Students pursuing a PhD in Robotics must take 36 semester hours of core research and elective courses, pass a comprehensive qualifying exam with written and oral components, and successfully complete, document, and defend a piece of original research culminating in a doctoral thesis. Students select a home school, such as ECE, AE, ME, or CS, and apply for admission to the PhD program in robotics through that home school.
طبق نوشته فوقکسانی که می خواهند مهندسی رباتیک بخوانند
باید یکی از دانشکده های برق یا هوافضا یا مکانیک و یا کامپیوتر را انتخاب کنند و اقدام کنند
پذیرش در کدام دانشکده راحت تر است ؟