15-09-2011, 12:30 PM
با توجه به
SkillSelect is proposed to commence on 1 July 2012. As of this date, new applicants for independent, family or
state/territory sponsored migration would need to submit an EOI and be issued with an invitation before lodging a
visa application, unless eligible for transitional arrangements. The first round of invitations is expected to
occur in January 2013.
state/territory sponsored migration would need to submit an EOI and be issued with an invitation before lodging a
visa application, unless eligible for transitional arrangements. The first round of invitations is expected to
occur in January 2013.
Transitional arrangements currently apply to certain people who, on 8 February 2010, held or had applied for a
Skilled – Graduate (subclass 485) visa. This group is able to apply for a permanent skilled visa under the previous
system, until the end of 2012. There are no additional transitional arrangements in relation to SkillSelect
اين به اين معني نيست كه ديگه گروه دارنده ويزاي 485 بعد از 2012 امكان تبديل ويزاي دانشجويي به كاري رو ندارند؟Skilled – Graduate (subclass 485) visa. This group is able to apply for a permanent skilled visa under the previous
system, until the end of 2012. There are no additional transitional arrangements in relation to SkillSelect