دوستان ، این خبر رو امروز از یکی از کارمندان بخش بین الملل یکی از معروفترین دانشگاههای امریکا دریافت کردم ! حالا خودشون دارن تحقیق می کنن و صحت قضیه رو جویا بشن... امیدوارم این خبر تکذیب بشه به شدتدر راستای تحریم ها ایالات متحده بر ایران و سوریه ؛ به زودی دیگر هیچ اپلیکنتی در رشته های مربوط به "انرژی" ، "علوم هسته ای" به هیچ عنوان پذیرفته یا ویزا داده نمی شود و به دانشجویانی که در حال حاضر در ایالات متحده هستند ، در صورت برگشت به ایران به هیج جه اجازه بازگشت داده نمی شود.
در این متن نظر انجمن وکلای آمریکا پرسیده شده است ، آنها ضمن مخالفت ضمنی با این اقدام ، اشکال بزرگی که از این مصوبه گرفتند این است که تعریف "انرزی" می تواند خیلی متفاوت باشد (به عبارتی میشه جوری تعریف کرد که همه رشته ها مرتبط باشند ) .... چی بگم والا !! اینا از این ور ، اونا هم از اون ور ؛ ما هم این وسط داریم میسوزیم !
Begin forwarded message:
> From:> Subject: New Iran Sanctions - impact on energy and nuclear science related fields> Date: August 17, 2012 1:31:01 PM MDT> To:>> Hi ,> > Hope you had a good summer and are doing well. It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, and I hate to break that hiatus with bad news, but I think you need to be aware of this development. The Treasury dept. just released updated sanctions against Iran and Syria (attached). Of particular concern to academic institutions is section 501 (pasted below).> > SEC. 501. EXCLUSION OF CITIZENS OF IRAN SEEKING EDUCATION RELATING TO THE NUCLEAR AND ENERGY SECTORS OF IRAN.> (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State shall deny a visa to, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall exclude from> the United States, any alien who is a citizen of Iran that the Secretary of State determines seeks to enter the United States> to participate in coursework at an institution of higher education (as defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965> (20 U.S.C. 1001(a))) to prepare the [Iranian citizen] for a career in the energy sector of Iran or in nuclear science or nuclear engineering or a> related field in Iran.> (b) APPLICABILITY.—Subsection (a) applies with respect to visa applications filed on or after the date of the enactment of this> Act.> > If your department is contemplating admitting Iranian students, the feeling among my counterparts nationally is that those students will most likely not be granted a visa to come to the US. Further, for any Iranian students that might already be here and studying in these areas, if they want to leave the US (e.g., to visit home)and then come back they might not be allowed back into the US. > > The American Immigration Lawyers’ Association posted its advisory on this:> “Iranian applicants in the United States wishing to change status to F-1 to pursue post-secondary studies in the energy, nuclear science, nuclear engineering or related fields, will be denied by DHS. Similarly, consular posts will deny F-1 visa applications from Iranian applicants wishing to pursue post-secondary studies in the energy, nuclear science, nuclear engineering or related fields. It remains to be seen how broadly DOS and DHS will define a “related” field. It is also unclear how this will impact Iranian F-1 students applying for subsequent F-1 visas while continuing with their studies, or Iranian F-1 students applying for OPT, or Iranian F-1 students changing majors to one of the prohibited fields, but these Iranian students are likely to be impacted.”
در این متن نظر انجمن وکلای آمریکا پرسیده شده است ، آنها ضمن مخالفت ضمنی با این اقدام ، اشکال بزرگی که از این مصوبه گرفتند این است که تعریف "انرزی" می تواند خیلی متفاوت باشد (به عبارتی میشه جوری تعریف کرد که همه رشته ها مرتبط باشند ) .... چی بگم والا !! اینا از این ور ، اونا هم از اون ور ؛ ما هم این وسط داریم میسوزیم !
Begin forwarded message:
> From:> Subject: New Iran Sanctions - impact on energy and nuclear science related fields> Date: August 17, 2012 1:31:01 PM MDT> To:>> Hi ,> > Hope you had a good summer and are doing well. It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, and I hate to break that hiatus with bad news, but I think you need to be aware of this development. The Treasury dept. just released updated sanctions against Iran and Syria (attached). Of particular concern to academic institutions is section 501 (pasted below).> > SEC. 501. EXCLUSION OF CITIZENS OF IRAN SEEKING EDUCATION RELATING TO THE NUCLEAR AND ENERGY SECTORS OF IRAN.> (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State shall deny a visa to, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall exclude from> the United States, any alien who is a citizen of Iran that the Secretary of State determines seeks to enter the United States> to participate in coursework at an institution of higher education (as defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965> (20 U.S.C. 1001(a))) to prepare the [Iranian citizen] for a career in the energy sector of Iran or in nuclear science or nuclear engineering or a> related field in Iran.> (b) APPLICABILITY.—Subsection (a) applies with respect to visa applications filed on or after the date of the enactment of this> Act.> > If your department is contemplating admitting Iranian students, the feeling among my counterparts nationally is that those students will most likely not be granted a visa to come to the US. Further, for any Iranian students that might already be here and studying in these areas, if they want to leave the US (e.g., to visit home)and then come back they might not be allowed back into the US. > > The American Immigration Lawyers’ Association posted its advisory on this:> “Iranian applicants in the United States wishing to change status to F-1 to pursue post-secondary studies in the energy, nuclear science, nuclear engineering or related fields, will be denied by DHS. Similarly, consular posts will deny F-1 visa applications from Iranian applicants wishing to pursue post-secondary studies in the energy, nuclear science, nuclear engineering or related fields. It remains to be seen how broadly DOS and DHS will define a “related” field. It is also unclear how this will impact Iranian F-1 students applying for subsequent F-1 visas while continuing with their studies, or Iranian F-1 students applying for OPT, or Iranian F-1 students changing majors to one of the prohibited fields, but these Iranian students are likely to be impacted.”

نگرانی های ما ، بیانگر عمق فاصله ما با خداست
سام ایوینگ قهرمان سابق بیسبال: "هیچ چیز شرمآورتر از این نیست که ببینید کسی کاری را انجام میدهد که شما میگفتید غیرممکن است."