13-09-2013, 12:09 AM
Dear Zaynab,
Thank you for your email. In order for the Department of Horticulture to be able to recommend you for admission we must have an advisor who has a suitable project and availability of funding. Unfortunately, at this time we have not been able to identify an advisor.
Your application continues to be available for Horticulture faculty review. Should there be interest in your application you can expect to be contacted by faculty directly for preliminary discussion.
Thank you for your interest in graduate studies at Washington State University.
من که نظر رئیس دپارتمان رو پرسیده بودم که اپلای کنم یا نه....گفته بود اپلای کن!
Thank you for your email. In order for the Department of Horticulture to be able to recommend you for admission we must have an advisor who has a suitable project and availability of funding. Unfortunately, at this time we have not been able to identify an advisor.
Your application continues to be available for Horticulture faculty review. Should there be interest in your application you can expect to be contacted by faculty directly for preliminary discussion.
Thank you for your interest in graduate studies at Washington State University.
من که نظر رئیس دپارتمان رو پرسیده بودم که اپلای کنم یا نه....گفته بود اپلای کن!
دلا بگریز از این خانه که دلگیرست و ویرانه/ به گلزاری و ایوانی که فرشش آسمان باشد