23-05-2013, 05:24 PM
Being active in the communities is something that needs to be learned. Some people believe it is parents’ responsibility to socialize their children in a way that the children can be useful in the society, while others are interested to consider schools as an important environment to teach them that. In this paper the aforementioned issue will be examined and in the conclusion part my opinion will be expressed.
Remember your childhood, you were almost unable to do even your own stuff,. who taught you how to walk? How to speak? How to eat properly? For most of people these were their parents, daddy and mommy (mother and father), who we grew up with both physically and mentally and the foundation of our personality were was established next to them. Some people believe that being a good team worker, getting along with others, being someone who can take a responsibility is in his/her society are just like the other abilities that we learn and they consider the role of parents in this case very essential.
On the other hand, there are another ones who treat “being good” as an education that has to be learned in school like physics and mathematics and so on, they believe that a child should learn the morality under supervision of an educated person because they consider the morality as a science that has its rules, objectives, references and so on.
In conclusion, I am interested believe in not separating parents from the schools. Personally, I believe that the both points of views have their advantages and disadvantages, for instance, if we dedicate school as the only teacher, we are obviously denying the essential role of parents in the process of learning about society, they spend a lot of time with their children and they are the ones who know the kids better than anyone else. In contrast, by abandoning schools and giving the whole responsibility to parents, we limit our children from a great and precious learning resource.
از به کار گیری زبان گفتاری خودداری کنید این امتحان آکادمیک هست.Remember your childhood, you were almost unable to do even your own stuff,. who taught you how to walk? How to speak? How to eat properly? For most of people these were their parents, daddy and mommy (mother and father), who we grew up with both physically and mentally and the foundation of our personality were was established next to them. Some people believe that being a good team worker, getting along with others, being someone who can take a responsibility is in his/her society are just like the other abilities that we learn and they consider the role of parents in this case very essential.
On the other hand, there are another ones who treat “being good” as an education that has to be learned in school like physics and mathematics and so on, they believe that a child should learn the morality under supervision of an educated person because they consider the morality as a science that has its rules, objectives, references and so on.
In conclusion, I am interested believe in not separating parents from the schools. Personally, I believe that the both points of views have their advantages and disadvantages, for instance, if we dedicate school as the only teacher, we are obviously denying the essential role of parents in the process of learning about society, they spend a lot of time with their children and they are the ones who know the kids better than anyone else. In contrast, by abandoning schools and giving the whole responsibility to parents, we limit our children from a great and precious learning resource.
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