24-07-2012, 03:30 PM
(24-07-2012, 11:57 AM)Pani85 نوشته: another one:ممنون . اما من کماکان بر این عقیده هستم که عدد یک قویتر هست . این هندی ها هم که سر در نیاورده بودن . عجب انگلیسی محشری هم دارن
What is the immigration selection
Skilled Worker applicants for permanent resident status
may be required to attend a selection interview with an immigration officer.
Such interviews are held to ensure the information in the application is
accurate, to verify documentation, to help applicants relocate to Canada and in
cases of Quebec and provincial programs to test language ability and intention
to reside in the province.
Visa offices may grant certain candidates an
interview waiver, depending on the qualifications of the applicant, the quality
of the supporting documentation, and the overall credibility of the applicant.
The likelihood of an interview waiver varies from one visa office to another.
Interview waivers are granted at the sole discretion of the immigration
What is a security
In a small percentage of applications, an interview is held
to evaluate security issues such as espionage, subversion or terrorism. These
interviews are usually held after a selection interview, and may also be held in
cases where a selection interview is waived.
source: http://www.itc-canada.com/Immigration_to_Canada_FAQ.htm

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