14-07-2014, 09:03 AM
رشته اپلای شده: Phd in Accounting and Finance - Turku School of Economics - سال اپلای2013
مقطع تحصیلی کارشناسی - نام دانشگاه - معدل: حسابداری - علوم اقتصادی - 13.5
مقطع تحصیلی کارشناسی ارشد - نام دانشگاه - معدل: مدیریت بازرگانی گرایش مالی- ازاد تهران - 17
تعداد مقالات آی اس ای با ذکر ایمپکت آنها: 8 تا ایندکس
تعداد مقالات غیر ای اس ای خارجی: 5 عدد
تعداد مقالات علمی پزوهشی فارسی: 5 عدد
تعداد مقالات علمی ترویجی فارسی: 5 عدد
تعداد مقالات علمی فارسی: 3 عدد
تعداد کتب تالیفی: 4 عدد
تعداد مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانس های بین المللی: 2 عدد
تعداد مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانس های ملی یا داخلی: 2 عدد
نمره زبان: آیلتس 6.5 هیچ اسکیلی کمتر از 6 نبود
افر دریافتی از دانشگاه: پذیرش - بورسیه (چه نوع و به چه میزان) : ریجکت
I am answering on behalf of Prof. Kari Lukka as I am mostly responsible for supervising doctoral students in finance.
Unfortunately you did not get accepted into our doctoral programme this Fall. You can reapply when the programme is again accepting new applications.
As a kind advice, I have to say that our doctoral programme positions are highly competed as only one or two students per year are accepted. The ones that are chosen have excellent study record form a top university, an exceptionally good research plan, which is also suitable for our needs and departmental profile. Otherwise there is very low change of getting accepted. Note also that our doctoral students do not get any financial support from the university unless they become employed by the university.
After reviewing your papers I would like to suggest that you seriously consider also other alternatives for your doctoral studies.
Mika Vaihekoski
Mika Vaihekoski, D.Sc. (Finance)
Professor of Finance
University of Turku (UTU), Turku School of Economics (TSE)
Department of Accounting and Finance
Unfortunately you did not get accepted into our doctoral programme this Fall. You can reapply when the programme is again accepting new applications.
As a kind advice, I have to say that our doctoral programme positions are highly competed as only one or two students per year are accepted. The ones that are chosen have excellent study record form a top university, an exceptionally good research plan, which is also suitable for our needs and departmental profile. Otherwise there is very low change of getting accepted. Note also that our doctoral students do not get any financial support from the university unless they become employed by the university.
After reviewing your papers I would like to suggest that you seriously consider also other alternatives for your doctoral studies.
Mika Vaihekoski
Mika Vaihekoski, D.Sc. (Finance)
Professor of Finance
University of Turku (UTU), Turku School of Economics (TSE)
Department of Accounting and Finance
[b]An investment in knowledge pays the best interest
لطفا سوالات خود را در فروم مطرح نمایید حتی شما دوست عزیز! لطفا بجای ارسال پست تشکر از گزینه "اضافه کردن به امتیاز کاربر". استفاده نمایید! [/b]
لطفا سوالات خود را در فروم مطرح نمایید حتی شما دوست عزیز! لطفا بجای ارسال پست تشکر از گزینه "اضافه کردن به امتیاز کاربر". استفاده نمایید! [/b]