این کل متنیه که رد و بدل شد. استاد خودم حاضر نیست یه ایمیل کوچیک بده مشکلو حل کنه چون میگه این عرف نیست من از اینجا ایمیل بدم بهش که ... باید سوال داره بپرسه خودش. مجبورم با استاد اونوریه مشکلو حل کنم چی پیشنهاد میکنین بنویسم که offended نشه؟
Dear Professor ...,
I asked my MS supervisor to contact with you on my behalf:
...., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of ...
Tel: ...
Mob: +...
Re (2), email is best
Thank you,
Thank you for your kind reply.
(1) Okay, I will apply before 15 Dec.
(2) About senior researcher: I will contact with my BS or MS supervisor to contact with you directly. However, I which way you want my supervisor to contact with you? Is Email okay?
(3) I attached my conference papers to this letter.
Thank you for your interest in my research and in the graduate program at the ..... Due to the large number of requests, I am not able to write a detailed response to your message, but I have looked at your files and believe that you are a strong candidate. Please consider one or more of the following:
Dear Professor ...,
I asked my MS supervisor to contact with you on my behalf:
...., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of ...
Tel: ...
Mob: +...
Re (2), email is best
Thank you,
Thank you for your kind reply.
(1) Okay, I will apply before 15 Dec.
(2) About senior researcher: I will contact with my BS or MS supervisor to contact with you directly. However, I which way you want my supervisor to contact with you? Is Email okay?
(3) I attached my conference papers to this letter.
Thank you for your interest in my research and in the graduate program at the ..... Due to the large number of requests, I am not able to write a detailed response to your message, but I have looked at your files and believe that you are a strong candidate. Please consider one or more of the following:
- Submit your application to the ... graduate program and clearly indicate that you are interested in working with me. The deadline is in December.
- Ask a senior researcher (Professor, Director, etc.) to contact me on your behalf.
- Send one or more publications in peer-reviewed international conferences or journals that you have authored.