گروه های پژوهشی در این دانشگاه :
Advanced Particle Processing and Transport
The Centre for Advanced Particle Processing and Transport is aimed at addressing important problems for the mineral industry, the largest single contributor to Australia's exports. In particular, the research is aimed at developing innovative processes, which maximise the separation of products from waste material, and use methodologies that reduce water and energy usage.
Asthma and Respiratory Diseases
The Research Centre for Asthma and Respiratory Diseases focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular processes that are associated with the development and progression of respiratory diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery & Information-Based Medicine
The Centre for Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery & Information-Based Medicine (CIBM) aims to find methodologies that will shorten the process of obtaining novel discoveries and to use them to obtain distinctively better outcomes in clinical practice and translational individualised medicine.
Chemical Biology
The Centre for Chemical Biology is committed to providing innovative therapeutics for the treatment of human disease. By bringing together research teams of international excellence from chemistry, biology and medicine the Centre will focus on unraveling the causes of disease, identifying crucial biological targets and will pioneer the rapid development of novel drugs for the fight against disease.
Complex Dynamic Systems and Control
The Priority Research Centre for Complex Dynamic Systems and Control specialises in the analysis, design, optimisation and control of dynamic systems. The Centre works on complex systems to try to optimise their performance.
Computer Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications
The Centre for Computer Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications (CARMA) aims to develop three interwoven research themes: computer-assisted pure mathematics and its underlying philosophy; enhanced industrial modelling and scientific computation; and improved techniques for teaching mathematics in the presence of technology at tertiary and at earlier levels.
The Research Centre for Energy aims to take a leading role in the minimisation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially carbon dioxide, around the world by developing new and innovative technologies and commercialising these technologies in collaboration with industry, government agencies and international organisations.
Gender, Health and Ageing
The Research Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing focuses on the individual, health, and social factors that affect men and women’s health and well-being as they age, and the ways in which communities and organisations respond to an ageing population.
Geotechnical and Materials Modelling
The Centre for Geotechnical and Materials Modelling focuses on the development of new models and innovative computational methods for predicting the behaviour of geomaterials, metals, and composites.
Health Behaviour
The Health Behaviour Research Centre is concerned with improving the health of the community through intervention and service delivery to promote healthy behaviours and good quality healthcare.
Organic Electronics
The Centre for Organic Electronics focuses on the scientific challenges in the development of organic photovoltaics, with massive potential for the next generation of environmentally friendly energy sources, photonics and biosensors.
Physical Activity and Nutrition
The Priority Research Centre in Physical Activity & Nutrition takes a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to understanding physical activity and nutrition for population health, with particular emphasis on education and health promotion strategies for chronic disease prevention, treatment, and wellbeing.
Reproductive Science
The Centre for Reproductive Science aims to address one of the Australian Government's most important national research priorities — 'A Healthy Start to Life' — by improving the health of pregnant women and providing key information on the determinants of a healthy start to life.
Translational Neuroscience and Mental Health
The CTNMH is a unique research entity in Australian terms, bringing together high-quality neuroscience research in nationally important areas including Schizophrenia, Stroke, Affective & Addictive Disorders, Pain & Sensory Dysfunction, Development, Ageing & Cognition, Translation & Implementation, and Imaging & Web Based Technologies. The Centre aims to build tight linkages across multiple levels of enquiry and between basic neuroscience, clinical neuroscience and mental health and neurological health service delivery.
Advanced Particle Processing and Transport
The Centre for Advanced Particle Processing and Transport is aimed at addressing important problems for the mineral industry, the largest single contributor to Australia's exports. In particular, the research is aimed at developing innovative processes, which maximise the separation of products from waste material, and use methodologies that reduce water and energy usage.
Asthma and Respiratory Diseases
The Research Centre for Asthma and Respiratory Diseases focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular processes that are associated with the development and progression of respiratory diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery & Information-Based Medicine
The Centre for Bioinformatics, Biomarker Discovery & Information-Based Medicine (CIBM) aims to find methodologies that will shorten the process of obtaining novel discoveries and to use them to obtain distinctively better outcomes in clinical practice and translational individualised medicine.
Chemical Biology
The Centre for Chemical Biology is committed to providing innovative therapeutics for the treatment of human disease. By bringing together research teams of international excellence from chemistry, biology and medicine the Centre will focus on unraveling the causes of disease, identifying crucial biological targets and will pioneer the rapid development of novel drugs for the fight against disease.
Complex Dynamic Systems and Control
The Priority Research Centre for Complex Dynamic Systems and Control specialises in the analysis, design, optimisation and control of dynamic systems. The Centre works on complex systems to try to optimise their performance.
Computer Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications
The Centre for Computer Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications (CARMA) aims to develop three interwoven research themes: computer-assisted pure mathematics and its underlying philosophy; enhanced industrial modelling and scientific computation; and improved techniques for teaching mathematics in the presence of technology at tertiary and at earlier levels.
The Research Centre for Energy aims to take a leading role in the minimisation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially carbon dioxide, around the world by developing new and innovative technologies and commercialising these technologies in collaboration with industry, government agencies and international organisations.
Gender, Health and Ageing
The Research Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing focuses on the individual, health, and social factors that affect men and women’s health and well-being as they age, and the ways in which communities and organisations respond to an ageing population.
Geotechnical and Materials Modelling
The Centre for Geotechnical and Materials Modelling focuses on the development of new models and innovative computational methods for predicting the behaviour of geomaterials, metals, and composites.
Health Behaviour
The Health Behaviour Research Centre is concerned with improving the health of the community through intervention and service delivery to promote healthy behaviours and good quality healthcare.
Organic Electronics
The Centre for Organic Electronics focuses on the scientific challenges in the development of organic photovoltaics, with massive potential for the next generation of environmentally friendly energy sources, photonics and biosensors.
Physical Activity and Nutrition
The Priority Research Centre in Physical Activity & Nutrition takes a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to understanding physical activity and nutrition for population health, with particular emphasis on education and health promotion strategies for chronic disease prevention, treatment, and wellbeing.
Reproductive Science
The Centre for Reproductive Science aims to address one of the Australian Government's most important national research priorities — 'A Healthy Start to Life' — by improving the health of pregnant women and providing key information on the determinants of a healthy start to life.
Translational Neuroscience and Mental Health
The CTNMH is a unique research entity in Australian terms, bringing together high-quality neuroscience research in nationally important areas including Schizophrenia, Stroke, Affective & Addictive Disorders, Pain & Sensory Dysfunction, Development, Ageing & Cognition, Translation & Implementation, and Imaging & Web Based Technologies. The Centre aims to build tight linkages across multiple levels of enquiry and between basic neuroscience, clinical neuroscience and mental health and neurological health service delivery.
دوستان عزیزم، از پاسخ دادن به سوالات شما در پیام خصوصی معذورم. لطف بفرمایید هر سوالی دارید، در تاپیک های مربوطه مطرح بفرمایید.