24-11-2016, 10:05 PM
(23-11-2016, 07:39 PM)amirfriendship نوشته: دوستان این متن و توی نامه یونی اسیست زده. حالا باید چی کار کنم؟ این نامه را جداگانه بفرستم دانشگاه یا من نباید چیزی بفرستم؟ خودشون جواب می دن؟
For your study application at HAW Hamburg, you need to hand in the preliminary
documentation together with the specific application form of HAW Hamburg as well as
additional documents within the period prescribed to the enrolment office at HAW
Hamburg. Please inform yourself at HAW Hamburg, which documents must be submitted.
The review of your documents took place at uni-assist with the utmost care and precision.
Should you still have the impression that we made a mistake in your case, please contact uniassist
with a written request. Please state the reasons for your appeal and please also add your
applicant number as well. The management of uni-assist will investigate then your complaint and
will respond to you in a written format. In case you do not agree with our second answer, we will
forward your application for a final decision to the appropriate university.
من به یونی اسیست ایمیل زدم و درباره این موضوع سوال کردم. جوابشون این بود!
یعنی تازه یونی اسیست تایید می کنه, ما باید باز مستقیم از طریق دانشگاه اپلای کنیم؟!
thank you for your enquiry.
Please note that what we sent you is not a confirmation of a stuy place -since uni-assist does not decide on admissions- but only a pre-evaluation of your qualifications.
With the document we sent you, you now have to apply directly at the university and follow the further application process with the universities. For questions regarding the application deadlines and further requirements please contact the university directly.
uni-assist is not longer responsible for that application.
Kind regards,
Noelia Luchetti
Arbeits- und Servicestelle für internationale Studienbewerbungen uni-assist e.V