12-03-2014, 04:40 PM
دوستان توی یکی از مراحل اپلای نوشته شده بود کهo you have fund or are seeking governmental or external funding from one of these programsas I've copied below)
Check the box or boxes that apply if you have or are seeking governmental or external funding from one of these programs.FAMU Feeder: Applied for funding Funding approvedFulbright Scholar:
Please Identify Program:
KOMMISSION Applied for funding Funding approvedMcNair Scholar: Applied for funding Funding approvedMcKnight Scholar: Applied for funding Funding approvedNational Science Foundation Fellowship: Applied for funding Funding approvedNational Institutes of Health Fellowship: Applied for funding Funding approvedOther (U.S. or Foreign): Applied for funding Funding approved
Please explain:
Check if you are applying for any of the following. Assistantship Distance Learning Program Fellowship Joint UF Degree 3/2 Program
If you are not applying to any program, click Save to continue.
خب! من از جای دیگه ای فاند ندارم و درخواست هم ندادمُولی از این دانشگاه فاند میخوامُ با این اوصاف باید چیزی رو علامت بزنم یا فقط سیو رو بزنم و رد شم؟!!! ممنونم
Please Identify Program:
KOMMISSION Applied for funding Funding approvedMcNair Scholar: Applied for funding Funding approvedMcKnight Scholar: Applied for funding Funding approvedNational Science Foundation Fellowship: Applied for funding Funding approvedNational Institutes of Health Fellowship: Applied for funding Funding approvedOther (U.S. or Foreign): Applied for funding Funding approved
Please explain:
Check if you are applying for any of the following. Assistantship Distance Learning Program Fellowship Joint UF Degree 3/2 Program
If you are not applying to any program, click Save to continue.
خب! من از جای دیگه ای فاند ندارم و درخواست هم ندادمُولی از این دانشگاه فاند میخوامُ با این اوصاف باید چیزی رو علامت بزنم یا فقط سیو رو بزنم و رد شم؟!!! ممنونم