08-06-2013, 12:06 AM
از اونجایی که بعضی از اساتیدی که تا بحال دانشجوی ایرانی نداشته اند، ممکن است با Research Plan و محتواش آشنا نباشند، یک نمونه از Research Plan مناسب رو قرار میدم که میتونید ازش استفاده کنید؛
Non-Immigrant Visa Unit
Subject: Mr. First Name Surname's Doctoral Study at the University of XXX
To whom it may concern
Mr./Mrs. [Put your name here] has been admitted to the Ph.D. program in XXX Engineering at the University of XXX. I have offered him a full Graduate Research or Teaching Assistant appointment for the 2013-2014 academic year, commencing with the Fall 2013 semester. The purpose of this letter is to characterize the particulars of his graduate study under my supervision
His research: The research emphasis in my research lab includes fundamental principles and computational methods used to analyze and design mechanical systems. In particular, Mr./Mrs. [Put your name here] will be doing research in [Put a sentence here explaining very general ideas about your future research works]. He will carry out experiments to verify his theoretical results
His technology access: Research undertaken in my lab is published in open, peer-reviewed journals. My research lab does not conduct research that is classified, confidential, or relevant to military technology. Therefore, Mr./Mrs. [Put your name here] will not have access to any form of confidential or restricted technology or information, because such technology and information is not available in our program at the University of XXX
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need further information
Professor XXX
Department of XXXEngineering
The University of XXX
The golden opportunity you're seeking is in Yourself. It's not in your environment, in luck, in chance, or the help of other; it is in yourself Alone
راه های دریافت رایگان مقالات و کتاب ها
اهــدای سلول بنیادی - اهـــدای عضو - محک
لطفا سوالاتتون رو در فروم بپرسید و از پیام خصوصی برای این منظور استفاده نکنید. در صورتی که مایلید من به سوال شما پاسخ بدم @Mami رو در متن سوال قرار بدید.
راه های دریافت رایگان مقالات و کتاب ها
اهــدای سلول بنیادی - اهـــدای عضو - محک
لطفا سوالاتتون رو در فروم بپرسید و از پیام خصوصی برای این منظور استفاده نکنید. در صورتی که مایلید من به سوال شما پاسخ بدم @Mami رو در متن سوال قرار بدید.