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منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - نسخه قابل چاپ

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منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - AVA - 30-01-2012

دوستان عزیز در این تاپیک مطالب مفید برای نوشتن توصیه نامه به اشتراک گذاشته می شود. لطفا برای قرار دادن نمونه توصیه نامه به این تاپیک مراجعه کنید.

Tips for Writing a Letter of Recommendation

منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - AVA - 15-02-2012

Some useful tips for writing recommendation letter

منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - AVA - 30-03-2012

رهنمودهایی برای گرفتن توصیه نامه از محل کار :
  • اگر در محل کار خود بر روی موضوعی که با Research Interest شما همخوانی دارد کار کرده اید گرفتن یک توصیه نامه در افزایش احتمال گرفتن پذیرش موثر خواهد بود.
  • معمولا دانشگاهها از متقاضی 3 توصیه نامه درخواست می کنند که در این صورت اگر فعالیت تخصصی شما در محل کار برجسته و قابل توجه بوده ، بهتر است یکی از این توصیه نامه ها از محل کار گرفته شود.
  • توصیه می شود از مراکز ، شرکتها یا موسساتی توصیه نامه بگیرید که در رزمه خود به آنها اشاره کرده اید.
  • توصیه نامه در سربرگ رسمی شرکت / موسسه یا مرکز محل کار شما و با مهر و امضای رسمی رئیس مربوطه گرفته شود.
  • در توصیه نامه های کاری بهتر است در مورد ویژگیهای خاصی مثل توانایی مشارکت در فعالیت های گروهی، کار در شرایط استرس آفرین، پشتکار، مسوولیت پذیری وفعالیتهای خاص در زمینه تخصصی که با موفقیت انجام داده اید، مطالبی نوشته شود.

RE: منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - AVA - 31-03-2012


[font=&quot] 10Tips for Recommenders to create an excellent letter[/font]

Review a copy of the applicant's personal statement or application essays so that your letter of recommendation can dovetail with--not conflict with or duplicate--the rest of the application
Ask the applicant to supply you with additional information like a résumé

Describe your qualifications for comparing the applicant to other applicants :
I have been teaching for twenty years and have advised approximately 450 students on independent research projects over the last five years.
I have personally supervised ten interns every summer for the last five years plus worked with over two hundred
college graduates in my capacity as trainer for Big Bank Corp.

Discuss how well you know the applicant
I was able to get to know Mr. Doe because he made it a point to attend two of my sections every week when only one was required.
Ms. Smith reported directly to me for two years prior to her well-deserved promotion to the position of Senior in our Big Six Accounting Firm.

Choose two to three qualities that you observed in the applicant.
Jane has a rare blend of top writing and interpersonal skills.
The combination of tenacity analytical abilities, and good communications skills found in Mr. Doe is truly unique

In discussing those qualities support your statements with specific instances in which he or she demonstrated those attributes. Be as concrete and detailed as possible.
He is the only student I ever had who came to all my office hours as part of a relentless, and ultimately successful, drive to master financial theory. He was one of just ten percent in the class to receive an A.

Because of Jane's writing skills, I didn't hesitate to ask her to write a report which was used by our PAC as the basis for a major policy statement. Congressman X eventually used the statement, based on Jane's sophisticated 20-page analysis of Middle East
politics, in lobbying for increased funding.

Try to quantify the student's strengths or rank him or her vis a vis other applicants that you have observed.
He was in the top 10% of his class.
She has the best analytical skills of any person her age that I have ever supervised


Avoid generalities and platitudes.
Include some mild criticism typically the flip-side of a strength
The only fault I have encountered in him is his retiring nature. His modesty sometimes hides a young man of remarkable strength and broad interests.
Occasionally, her fortitude and persistence can turn into stubbornness, but usually her good nature and level-headedness prevail

Discuss the applicant's potential in his or her chosen field.
I enthusiastically recommend Mr. Doe to your business school. This well-rounded student will be a fine businessperson.
With her exceptional leadership writing, and quantitative skills, Ms. Smith will be an outstanding strategic consultant and a credit to the business school she attends.

RE: منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - AVA - 14-04-2012

  • به تعداد دانشگاههایی که اپلای می کنید باید از اساتید خود توصیه نامه بگیرید. مثلا اگر برای 8 دانشگاه اپلای می کنید ، احتیاج دارین که از هر یک از اساتید 8 توصیه نامه بگیرید.
  • توصیه نامه ها بر روی سربرگ انگلیسی دانشگاه با امضای استاد معرف به شما داده می شود.
  • بعضی از دانشگاهها فرمهای توصیه نامه ای به فرمت PDF دارن که به متقاضیان توصیه می کنند این فرم ها توسط اساتید معرف تکمیل و ارسال شود. در این صورت لازم است که این فرم ها پرینت گرفته شده و توسط استاد مربوطه تکمیل شود ( در این صورت نیازی به سربرگ دانشگاه نیست )
  • توصیه نامه هایی که به صورت کاغذی ( نه به صورت آن لاین ) به شما داده میشود در پاکت سربسته ای که امضای استاد
    معرف و مهر دانشکده روی آن زده شده ، قرار داده می شود تا آماده ارسال به دانشگاه مقصد شود.
  • این امکان وجود دارد که دانشگاههایی که اپلای می کنید ، صحت توصیه نامه را از طریق ایمیل مربوط به استاد معرف چک کنند. توصیه می شود برای جلوگیری از بروز مشکل، از اساتیدی توصیه نامه بگیرید که در بخش REFERENCE رزومه مشخصات کامل آنها را ذکر کرده اید.

RE: منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - AVA - 14-04-2012

Letter of recommendation.

Writing Letter of recommendation.

RE: منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - AVA - 25-04-2012

Why Recommendation Letters

Universities use reference letters to determine their professional characters, behaviors and other skills, which will be expressed by
the in the letter by their managers or professors. Some schools will provide reference letter template and will ask the students to get it filled. But, most of the schools accept the recommendation letter signed in sealed envelop Graduate school or department admission committee will look for specific skills and traits that can convince them to give admission. Its not a bad idea to given them an outline of skills to be included.

What Skills to Highlight

There are so many skills that a person can highlight in the recommendation letter while providing reference. But, its difficult to include many traits in 1 to 2 page document. Much care has to be put in to select the skills that have to be included in the LOR. You can refer to sample recommendation letters, but all those skills will not apply exactly to you

Important Skills in Recommendation Letter

Social Skills

Motivational Skills

Communication Skills (Reading Writing and Listening

Research Potential
Ability to overcome tough situations

Willingness to go extra mile

Ranking of student among peers

Analytical Skills

Team work – Get along well with others

Potential for higher education


Intellectual Achievement

Emotional Maturity

Leadership Skills

Volunteer Activities


RE: منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - AVA - 03-06-2012

دوستان عزیز متن زیر حاوی نکات مهمی در مورد نوشتن توصیه نامه کاری هست که توصیه می کنم مطالعه کنید و با کارفرمای خودتون در میان بذارین.
Dear Friend:
You have been asked to write a letter on behalf of a student who is seeking college credit for prior learning. St. Ambrose University is offering students the opportunity to receive college credit for learning acquired outside of the classroom setting, on the job, or in life experience. Your letter will help the student provide evidence that the learning he or she asserts actually did occur and is worthy of college credit. These guidelines are intended to help you provide the verification and evaluation of the student's learning in the best possible way.
  • Send your written evaluation on letterhead stationery Include a description of your present position and pertinent
    past experiences
  • Identify your relationship to the candidate (i.e. supervisor manager), the situation in which you observed the individual, and the dates of the observation
  • State specifically what competence, skills, or knowledge you have been asked to assess (in most cases, the candidate will inform you of these in advance
  • ).Evaluate how well the person performed by using statements such as average, above average, exceptional, etc
  • Verify that the student held the position and fulfilled the responsibilities claimed
  • Use examples, wherever possible, for the standards you have used, such as performance at the same level as my other employees who possess the bachelors degree or performance exceeded all other volunteers under my supervision who have performed these same or similar duties.
If you are not sure which skills, knowledge, or competence to assess please feel free to ask the student to be more specific. It is
important to know that you are not being asked to make a recommendation that is, we are not asking you to make comments on the student's appearance or deportment, nor are you being asked to make a prediction of the student's future performance. Rather, you are asked to verify what the candidate has learned and to evaluate how well he or she knows or can do what has been asserted.
This information will be public and the candidate will be provided with a copy. Therefore, your statement will be most helpful both to the student and to the committee, if it is entirely straightforward. We wish to thank you in advance for taking time to provide as thoughtful and candid an assessment as possible.

RE: منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - AVA - 04-06-2012

Characteristics of a Poor Letter of Recommendation

Is neutral. Glowing letters of recommendation are the norm. A neutral letter is the kiss of death to a student's application. If you can't write glowingly positive letter, don't agree to write on a student's behalf because your letter will hurt more than help.

Has errors, such as typos and grammar mistakes. Errors suggest carelessness. How good a student is this if you're not willing to run his or her letter through a spell-check?

Discusses weaknesses without discussing strengths. If a student has an important weakness, you ca mention it, but remember to discuss many many strengths to balance it out.

Provides no examples or data to support statements. Why should the reader believe that a student is meticulous, for example, if you haven't given an example to explain how?

5. Shows that the letter writer has little experience and contact with the student. Don't write letters for students you don't know. They will not be helpful letters.

Is not based on relevant academic or applied experiences A letter for a student that you have had no academic or supervisor experience with will not help his or her application. Don't write for students who are friends or family members.

Is late. Sometimes incomplete applications are tossed after the deadline. Even the most fantastic letter will be of no help then.

A Sample Poor Letter of Recommendation:

Dear Admissions Committee:

It is my pleasure to write on behalf of Lethargic Student, who has applied for admission at XY University. I am Lethargic's advisor and have known her for nearly four years, since she was a freshman. In Fall, Lethargic will be a senior. She has had a variety of courses in psychological development clinical psychology, and research methods that will aid her progress as a social work student. She has performed very well in her course work, as evidenced by her 2.94 GPA. I’ve been very impressed with Lethargic because she is a very hard worker, intelligent, and compassionate.

In closing, I recommend Lethargic Student for admission to XY University. She’s bright, motivated, and has strength of character. If you would like to learn more about Lethargic, please feel free to contact me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx or email xxx@xxx.edu

An effective letter of recommendation:

Explains how you know the student. What is the context for your evaluation? Was the student in your class, an advisee, a research assistant?

Evaluates the student within your area of knowledge Within the context in which you know the student, how did he or she perform How effective a research assistant is he or she?

Evaluates the student's academic capacity. This is easy if the student was in your class. What if the student is not? You can refer to his or her transcript, but only very briefly as the committee will have a copy Don't waste space talking about objective material they already have. Talk about your experience with the student. If a research assistant you should have some grasp on his or her academic competence. If an advisee, refer briefly to your discussions and provide clear examples that illustrate academic potential If you have little as academic contact with the student, then make a broad evaluative statement and use evidence from another area to support. For example, I expect Stu Dent to be a meticulous student, as he keeps very careful and accurate records as the Biology Club Treasurer

Evaluates the student's motivation. Graduate study entails more than academic skills. It's a long haul that takes a great deal of perseverance.

Evaluates the student's maturity and psychological competence
Is the student mature enough to accept the responsibility and manage the inevitable criticisms and even failures that will accompany graduate study.

Discusses the student's strengths. What are his or her most positive attributes? Provide examples to illustrate.

Is detailed. One of the most important things you can do in improving the effectiveness f your letter is to make it as detailed as possible. Don't just tell them abut the student, show them. Don't just say that the student can understand complex topics or work well with others, provide detailed examples that illustrate your point.

Is honest. Remember that although you want student to get in to graduate school, it is your name that is on the line. If the student really isn't a good fit for graduate study and you recommend him anyway, the faculty at that school potentially could remember and in the future take your letters less seriously. All in all, a good letter is highly positive and detailed. Remember that a neutral letter will not help your student Recommendation letters, in general, are very positive. Because of that, neutral letters are viewed as negative letters. If you can't writing a glowing letter of recommendation, then the most honest thing that you can do for your student is to tell him or her and decline their request to write a letter.

RE: منابع و رهنمودهای مهم برای نوشتن توصیه نامه - Paradise4 - 02-07-2012

میشه چند تا سایت خوب در این مورد معرفی کنید. ممنون