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پذیرش از دانشگاه باند استرالیا ( Bond University) - نسخه قابل چاپ

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پذیرش از دانشگاه باند استرالیا ( Bond University) - saaaaam - 08-08-2014

دانشگاه باند به عنوان یک دانشگاه خصوصی، واقع در شهر روبینا و ایالت کویینزلند در سال 1987 تاسیس شد. باند اولین دانشگاه خصوصی استرالیا می باشد. ازاین رو با دانشگاه های دولتی تفاوت هایی دارد. به عنوان مثال رشته های تحصیلی به صورت 3 ترم در سال (به جای دو نیم ترم ) به دانشجو ارائه می شوند. در واقع دانشگاه در سال 3 بار در ماه های ژانویه، می و سپتامبر ورودی می پذیرد و این در حالیست که طوری برنامه ریزی می شود که حجم برنامه درسی دانشجو بالا نرود. بنابراین در یک دوره 12 ماهه 3 ترم سپری می شود و همچنین می توان دوره های 3 ساله کارشناسی را در 2 سال به اتمام رسانید. در سال 2009 دانشگاه باند بیشترین تعداد ستاره ها را نسبت به هر دانشگاه استرالیایی دیگر دریافت کرد. در 10 زمینه متفاوت و اساسی 5 ستاره را دریافت نمود. برخی از این زمینه ها عبارتند از: دریافت 5 ستاره در زمینه کاریابی فارغ التحصیلان، 5 ستاره در زمینه صلاحیت کاری فارغ التحصیلان، 5 ستاره در زمینه دستمزد آغاز کار در استرالیا..
باند به مطالعات تحقیقاتی اهمیت بسیار می دهد. نام موسسات تحقیقاتی دانشگاه در اینجا آمده است:
  • مرکز تحقیقات کاربردی در آموزش و پرورش
  • مرکز تحقیقاتی انفورماتیک سلامت و بهداشت
  • مرکز تحقیقاتی حقوق
  • مرکز تحقیقاتی ورزش و تربیت بدنی
  • مرکز تحقیقاتی نگهداری بهداشت جامعه
دانشکده هاباند 4 دانشکده اصلی دارد که تعدادی کالج در زیر گروه خود جای می دهند:
دانشکده تجارت و تکنولوژی:
  • کالج تجارت
  • کالج فناوری اطلاعات
  • کالج توسعه و پایداری
  • کالج مدیریت تورسیم، گردشگری و هتل داری
دانشکده علوم پزشکی و بهداشت
دانشکده جامعه شناسی و علوم اجتماعی:
  • کالج جامعه شناسی
  • کالج علوم اجتماعی
  • کالج ارتباطات و رسانه
  • کالج روابط بین الملل
دانشکده حقوق
برخی امکانات موجود در کمپس
بیش از 70 کلوب ورزشی و تفریحی، یکی از بهترین مراکز بدن سازی کویینزلند، کافی شاپ، رستوران، بار و بسیار خدمات حمایتی خاص دانشجویان خارجی و داخلی..

RE: پذیرش از دانشگاه باند استرالیا ( Bond University) - saaaaam - 08-08-2014

دوستان خوبم در این دانشگاه برای دوره های دکتری تحقیقاتی بورسهای تحصیلی زیر ارائه می شود:
2015 Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA
Provider:  Bond University
Details:  The 2015 Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) will provide an opportunity to outstanding candidates to receive a living stipend of $26,140.00 p.a. (indexed annually) for up to three (3) years. The scholarship is tax exempt and is for living costs for up to 2 years for Masters students and 3 years for PhD students (pro rata for part-time students).
This opportunity is relevant to current students, as well as students intending to commence a research higher degree at Bond University. There are a limited number of scholarships available which are awarded to students wishing to continue their education through higher degree research.
Scholarships will be based on the key criteria and awarded on academic merit.
Applicants must complete the application form
Students cannot apply if they hold another scholarship in the requested period.
Successful applicants will be advised by email by 24 October, 2014.
Applications Open:  1 August 2014
Applications close:  30 September 2014
Eligibility:  The scholarship is open to students who:
  • are studying a PhD or masters by research
    have a minimum first class honours or equivalent
    have not previously held an Australian Government-funded research scholarship
    be a domestic student (Australian citizen or permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen), or an international student awarded an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship.
For further information please email the Research Scholarships Officer atresearchscholarships@bond.edu.au
Find out what’s on offer at Bond University and how to apply for a degree here at Bond Higher Research Degrees http://bond.edu.au/research/phd-and-higher-research-degrees/index.htm
2015 International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS)
Provider:  Bond University
Details:  The 2015 International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) will provide an opportunity to outstanding candidates who will receive a scholarship to cover tuition fees and health-cover costs for you and health-cover costs for your dependants. In addition, Bond University may provide, to students with outstanding prior studies, a Bond stipend to accompany the IPRS. The Bond stipend provides the recipient with a generous living allowance paid at the rate of $26,140 per annum and is tax exempt and indexed annually. The University reserves the right not to award a Bond stipend.
This opportunity is relevant to students intending to commence a research higher degree at Bond University. There are a limited number of scholarships available which are awarded to students wishing to continue their education through higher degree research.
Scholarships will be based on the key criteria and awarded on academic merit.
Applicants must complete the application form
Students cannot apply if they hold another scholarship in the requested period.
Successful applicants will be advised by email by 24 October, 2014.
Applications Open:  1 August, 2014
Applications Close:  30 September, 2014
Eligibility:  This scholarship is open to international students who:
  • are studying a PhD, masters by research, or professional doctorate
    have a minimum first class honours or equivalent
    have not previously held an Australian Government-funded research scholarship
For further information please email the Research Scholarships Officer atresearchscholarships@bond.edu.au
Find out what’s on offer at Bond University and how to apply for a degree here at Bond Higher Research Degrees http://bond.edu.au/research/phd-and-higher-research-degrees/index.htm
2015 Fullbright Australian Scholarship
Applications for Scholarships are now open and close on 31 August, 2014. For further information please view the Australian-American Fullbright Commission websitehttp://fulbright.com.au/scholarshipsor the attached  Scholarship factsheet and Scholarship packages.
2015 Fullbright Queensland  Scholarship
This scholarship is open to Australian citizens who reside and work in Queensland to undertake 8-10 months for Postgraduates, or 3-10 months for Postdoctorates, of research or study in the United States.
Applicants must reside and work in Queensland and they must outline the benefits of their research or study to Queensland.
The program of study can commence anytime between July 2015 and 30 June 2016.  Applications are now open and close 31 August, 2014. For further information please view the website http://www.fulbright.com.au
PhD Scholarship - Collaboration between Bond University and the Australian Institute of Sport
Bond University has been awarded $5.75M from Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISTRE) for the establishment of a Collaborative Research Network (CRN) in partnership with the Australian Institute of Sport, the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute and the University of Sydney. The CRN for Advancing Exercise & Sports Science will apply interdisciplinary research platforms including genomics to explore key research questions in exercise and sports science. For further information please refer to this document.