10-08-2016, 10:59 PM
The audio file for the listening comprehension exercise was from New American Streamline Destinations./0
BASc Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
گرامر، لغت شناسی، درک مطلب، نگارش (خلاصه کردن و ...) زبان انگلیسی با استفاده از مثال
10-08-2016, 10:59 PM
The audio file for the listening comprehension exercise was from New American Streamline Destinations./0
BASc Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Please listen to the audio file and answer the questions based on what is stated or implied in it. Please listen to it without pausing it but as many times as you like. You obviously can and should take notes while listening. It goes without saying that the purpose of the exercise is to help strengthen your listening comprehension and writing skills and that looking up the answers on the Internet could defeat that purpose. Thanks
a. What is Amy Atwood’s job title at the Center for Biological Diversity?/0
b. The Center for Biological Diversity would like Wildlife Services to be
I.more transparency II. more accountable III. more regulated IV.I,II,III V.II,III c. What does APHIS stand for?/0 d. What are the services that Wildlife Services is supposed to provide?/0 e. According to the official data provided by Wildlife Services, how many of each of these animals was killed in the fiscal year 2013? /0 I. Bobcats II. Beavers III. Coyotes f. What is the most frequently targeted mammal by Wildlife Services?/0 g. Explain why Amy thinks that there is a conflict of interest in the practices of the Wildlife services./0 h. Why does Amy think that Bullfrogs should be targeted by Wildlife Services?/0 Audio file download link
BASc Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
14-08-2016, 02:17 PM
a- endanger species legal director for center of biological diversity
b- IV
C- APHIS is agency of US department agriculture
d-conducts program of research technical assistant
e- 25000 beavers -1000 bob cats -75000 coyotes
f- coyotes
g- she was concerned about total budget that less than half percentage comes from funding . the result of that there is an inherent intensive for wildlif services to be driven in priority . activity caries out necessary what is best for American public large ....
(14-08-2016, 02:17 PM)siminbaraneh نوشته: Hi Simin
This is clearly a difficult exercise even for people with intermediate English language skills, so don't be disappointed that you didn't answer all of the questions correctly. I encourage you to listen to the audio file more carefully and to come up with better answers for questions b, c, d, g, and h. /0
a. Almost correct! She is the endangered species legal director for the Center for Biological Diversity./0
b. Wrong ![]() c. Wrong ![]() d. Not good enough! /0 e. Correct ![]() f. Correct ![]() g. Wrong ![]() h.?/0 Thanks
BASc Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
As I promised earlier, we will be reading another passage from the book More Tales from Shakespeare by Marcia Williams
![]() The escape of Polixenes made the jealous Leontes even more
angry. He went to the queen's rooms, where her little son Mamillius was just beginning to tell his mother one of his best stories to amuse her. Taking the child away, the king sent Hermione to prison./0 Though Mamillius was only a very young child, he loved his mother dearly. When he saw her treated so badly and realized that she had been taken away from him, he became very unhappy. Gradually he lost his desire to eat and sleep, until it was thought that his sadness would kill him. When the king had sent his queen to prison, he commanded Cleomenes and Dion, two Sicilian lords, to go to Delphos and ask the oracle at the temple of Apollo if his queen had been unfaithful to him./0 After Hermione had been in prison for a short time, she gave birth to a daughter. The poor lady was comforted by the sight of her pretty baby, and she said to it: "My poor little prisoner, I have done as little wrong as you have."/0 Hermione had a kind friend, Paulina, who was the wife of Antigonus, another Sicilian lord. When Paulina heard that the queen had given birth to a child, she went to the prison where Hermione was kept and said to Emilia, a lady who served Hermione,'I pray you, Emilia, tell the good queen that if she will trust me with her baby, I will carry it to the king, its father. His heart may soften when he sees his little child.'/0 'My lady,' replied Emilia, 'I will tell the queen of your offer. She was wishing today that she had a friend who would dare to show the child to the king.'/0 'And tell her,' said Paulina, 'that I will speak to Leontes in her defense.'/0 'May God reward you,' said Emilia, 'for your kindness to our gentle queen!'/0 Emilia then went to Hermione, who joyfully gave her baby into Paulina's care./0 Paulina took the child and forced her way into the presence of the king, although her husband, Antigonus, who feared the king's anger, tried to prevent her. She laid the baby at its father's feet, and made a noble speech to the king in defense of Hermione. She criticized him for his cruelty and begged him to have pity on his wife and child, who had done no wrong. But Paulina's words only increased Leontes' anger, and he ordered Antigonus to take her away./0 When Paulina went away, she left the little baby at its father's feet. She thought that when he was alone with it, he would look at it and feel pity for it./0 The good Paulina was wrong. As soon as she left, the cruel father ordered Antigonus to take the child out to sea and leave it on some empty shore to die./0 a. The word ‘him’ in line 8 refers to I. Leontes II. Polixenes III.Mamillius IV. Antigonus b. The word ‘poor’ in line 16 is closest in meaning to I. pathetic II. weak III. indigent IV. indigenous c. Did Antigonus approve of his wife taking Mamillius to the presence of the king? Why?/0 d. The word ‘she’ in line 23 refers to I. Paulina II. Hermione III. Hermione’s daughter IV. Emilia e. Why did Leontes send Hermione to prison?/0 f. Do you think Leontes was sure about the unfaithfulness of his wife? Explain./0 g. In your opinion and given what has happened so far in this tale, why did Leontes decide to kill Mamillius?/0
BASc Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
23-08-2016, 12:40 AM
(22-08-2016, 11:27 PM)shahraam نوشته: a: him refers to Mamillius b: weak c: no,because he was afraid of the anger of king and he thought that maybe the king put his wife in prison too! d: she refers to Hermione e: I think in this question, Piloxenes should change to Leontes. so Leontes sent Hermione to prison because he got jealous and he thought that maybe his wife had a relationship with his friend f: I think in this question we should change Piloxenes to Leontes. though, I think he was sure about the unfaithfulness of his wife,because he loved her so much and there wasn`t any problem in their relationship and if he wasn`t sure about this,he wont put his lovely wife into the prison. g: he hated his wife,he didn`t want any memories from someone who cheated on him,so he killed that poor little girl to erase all things about his past life with Hermione. (23-08-2016, 12:40 AM)javadprh نوشته: a: him refers to Mamillius Thanks
BASc Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
(23-08-2016, 12:40 AM)javadprh نوشته: a: him refers to Mamillius Hi Javad
Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions and also for catching those mistakes ![]() a. Correct ![]() b. Wrong ![]() c. Correct but I would rephrase it like this: No, because he was afraid of the king's anger and thought that the king may get angry and put his wife in prison too! /0 d. Correct ![]() e. Correct ![]() f. Wrong ![]() g. Correct ![]() Thanks
BASc Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
25-08-2016, 03:10 PM
(12-08-2016, 03:46 PM)shahraam نوشته: I have reduced the playback speed of the audio file by about 13 percent
![]() Download link for the audio file with reduced playback speed
BASc Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
29-11-2016, 01:22 AM
سلام دوستان
یه سوال خنده دار ولی واقعا من تو این مورد به نظر میرسه ایراد داره نگارش انشاهام کدوم درسته؟ و چرا؟ مگه ما به فارسی نمیگیم زندگی بچه ها ؟ Children's life Children's lives |
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