22-01-2016, 01:53 PM
سلام میشه لطف کنین در مورد این ریکام نظر بدین:
I have known for about 5 years since he passed three courses with me, and did his M.Sc. thesis under my supervision.
X was among the top students in three classes I taught him: Renewable Energies, Power Electronics and Reactive Power Control. I quickly noticed that he was a highly motivated student, with a lively curiosity and passion for learning as she raised questions and issues which finally made him 2nd student in GPA-based ranking of EE department when he graduated. He never missed a single class, or opportunity to meet with me during my office hours where I saw him honest with an outstanding personality and moral characters, and social which inspired me to offer him the opportunity to work as my TA. He was very well able to work as a TA because she had a unique ability to interact comfortably with his classmates and other students.
At first meeting about his M.Sc. thesis, I described the general outline of the project that he might work on. He asked good questions and appeared intelligent. I got very impressed with her creativity when he proposed idea of considering reconfiguration for increasing DG penetration only after two weeks. Having voted to award his thesis with the university prize, I still do believe in the impeccable performance and accomplishments within his thesis among all engineering students. One should stress on the all five papers, have which been extracted from the thesis, where the more might even be emerged, noticeably. It was exceptional work for M.Sc. student, so I offered him a position to be my RA. He has now concentrated on a novel stream of research about “Control of Voltage Source Inverters in Autonomous Microgrids.” With due attention to my acquaintance with his functionality, I can imagine a glorious set of outcomes, stemmed from this young assiduous researcher. In addition, due to his eagerness, I let him lead my undergraduate students. He has, already, proved his benevolence to help the others to me, with dedicating some noticeable amount of his time to conduct one of my former .undergraduate students and helping that student for better progression of his final project.