27-01-2016, 01:00 AM
سلام این ایمیل اول بعد از apply به استاد هست میخواستم ببینم قسمت Bold شده به نظرتون زیاد نیست. یه جوری پاچه خواری استاد نیست؟ توصیح اینکه بعد از این سه خط دیگه میخوام بنویسم و ازش بپرسم که اجازه میده سوالش در مورد کتابش رو ازش بپرسم
I would like to declare my deep gratitude due to your kindness within finalizing my application, as the deadline had been passed. I applied to UT a couple of days ago. I know that competition between many students with strong backgrounds for being RA of a completely well-known professor at UT is truly brutal, and I also perceive how much it can be difficult for you to make the best decision regarding your future students. Thanks in advance for taking my application into consideration. Please let me know if you would like any additional
information in order to evaluate my application.