07-03-2016, 08:47 PM
(07-03-2016, 05:37 PM)bahar456 نوشته: سلام . ببخشید من به جند استاد از یه دانشگاه ایمیل زدم اما جواب نگرفتم. حالا ادمیشن بهم دادند. میخواستم ببینم ایمیلی که الان باید بزنم خیلی ساده به صورت زیر خوبه به نظرتون یا اینکه باید چیز دیگه ای هم اصافه کنم.
I got accepted into the Mechanical Eng-Eng Mechanics PhD program for Fall 2016. If available, I would appreciate it if you give me a GRAposition in your research group. Attached is my CV.
Dear Prof. PPP,
This is bahar456, recently-admitted applicant to RRR program.
With due attention to noticeable coherency between my research interests and your research activities, it is your kindness to notify me if there is any RA position in your research group.
You can find my CV, as the attached file, for more correspondences.
براتون آرزوی موفقیت دارم