08-04-2016, 06:34 PM
It is a pleasure for me to send you a vacancy for a PhD student under the European project Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN MEAN4SG.
The student will perform their work at the Foundation for Promoting industrial innovation (FFII-LCOE) in Madrid and two other business partners.
You can find all the information on the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/jobs/jobDetails/34077292.
24-36 months contract, good economic value.
Required: Languages English and Spanish (mandatory)
If you know a potential candidate it'd would appreciate if you share with him/her.
Thank you,
It is a pleasure for me to send you a vacancy for a PhD student under the European project Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN MEAN4SG.
The student will perform their work at the Foundation for Promoting industrial innovation (FFII-LCOE) in Madrid and two other business partners.
You can find all the information on the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/jobs/jobDetails/34077292.
24-36 months contract, good economic value.
Required: Languages English and Spanish (mandatory)
If you know a potential candidate it'd would appreciate if you share with him/her.
Thank you,
نگرانی های ما ، بیانگر عمق فاصله ما با خداست
سام ایوینگ قهرمان سابق بیسبال: "هیچ چیز شرمآورتر از این نیست که ببینید کسی کاری را انجام میدهد که شما میگفتید غیرممکن است."