10-05-2016, 10:54 AM
دوستان سلام. تو نامه پذیرش من متن زیر آماده
Pre-enrolment Application Form for Non-EU Students: Enrolment at Sapienza University for non-EU applicants will be completed following fulfilment ofthe immigration requirements set by the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your country. Thisadmission letter does not substitute the pre-enrolment application at the Italian Embassy orConsulate in your country of residence, which should be submitted approximately between Apriland June 2016. For further information, please consult:http://en.uniroma1.it/studyus/underg...s/second-cycle
یعنی الان پدیرش قطعی نشده؟ باید دقیقا چیکار کنم؟
Pre-enrolment Application Form for Non-EU Students: Enrolment at Sapienza University for non-EU applicants will be completed following fulfilment ofthe immigration requirements set by the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your country. Thisadmission letter does not substitute the pre-enrolment application at the Italian Embassy orConsulate in your country of residence, which should be submitted approximately between Apriland June 2016. For further information, please consult:http://en.uniroma1.it/studyus/underg...s/second-cycle
یعنی الان پدیرش قطعی نشده؟ باید دقیقا چیکار کنم؟