با سلام خدمت دوستان و به خصوص جناب @M1KE که بنده رو در این تاپیک تنها نذاشته و راهنمای من بودند.
به نظر شما ارسال ایمیلی با متن زیر به متخصصی که نمیشناسم و اطلاعات affiliation اش رو به صورت دیتابیس منظم ندارم و مجبورم با عنوان Ms یا Mr خطابش کنم مناسب هست؟
البته جون تصمیم ندارم ایمیل ها رو به صورت bulk ارسال کنم و میخوام تا حد امکان اعتماد فرد رو جلب کنم ایمیل ها رو از طریق mail server دانشگاه تهران ارسال خواهم کرد و هر شب فقط یک ایمیل به اولین نویشنده هر مقاله که معمولا جوان و دانشجویان دکتری هستند ارسال خواهم کرد. ولی واقعا الان فرصت ندارم که برم دوباره اون مقالات رو چک کنم و affiliation افراد رو چک کنم.
فقط میخوام هرشب تعییرات جزئی تو متن بالا بدم و به یه فرد جدید ارسال کنم.
همین طور امضای شامل affiliation و اطلاعات تماس زیر ایمیل ها خواهد بود.
موضوع ایمیل ها هم خواهد بود : Stack Exchange Q&A site proposal: Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
به نظر شما ارسال ایمیلی با متن زیر به متخصصی که نمیشناسم و اطلاعات affiliation اش رو به صورت دیتابیس منظم ندارم و مجبورم با عنوان Ms یا Mr خطابش کنم مناسب هست؟
Dear Mr. Hiroshi Ishimoto,
I've been familiar with your research through one of your latest papers, "Estimation of the refractive index of volcanic ash from satellite infrared sounder data" which was published on "Remote Sensing of Environment".
I myself am working on SAR polarimetric decompositions but I occasionally try to read papers in other areas of remote sensing and not limit myself to just a special area.
During two years of my master studies, I felt the lack of comprehensive and organized resources for remote sensing on net and so proposed a Q&A site and tried my best to promote the idea.
Now we have fulfilled the first phase and are in definition phase. This is the phase that experts and research-level students come and commit to use the site in its early days (private launch) in order to enrich the content and prepare it for public launch in which it can be accessible through search engines.
I think your help as a reputed researcher who has publications in a journal with highest impact factor among all of the other remote sensing journals will be really valuable for the site in those 21 days of private beta.
The site that I've proposed to create will be built on the same software as stackoverflow.com if it gains enough committers at most until July 31th 2017, and as you might know stackoverflow.com is a hugely popular site where over seven million programmers help each other with difficult programming problems. On Stack Overflow the audience votes for the best answer, so the answer you want is usually right at the top, not on page five.
I'm hoping that a site for remote Sensing and photogrammetry experts, professors, scientists and students would have the same kind of network effect and turn into an amazing resource.
The proposal process is going on here:
Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Proposal's commitment phase
If you're interested in participating, go to that URL and click on the green "Commit" button.
And if you like the idea, don't forget to refer to your friend, colleagues and other researchers like you to commit to the proposal.
If you cast a glance on my google site in which I have tried to summarize all of my efforts since last year and have linked to valuable tutorials, you can get familiar with what I'm trying to do and the StackExchange network and it may help you make a better decision whether to participate or not.
King Regards,
I've been familiar with your research through one of your latest papers, "Estimation of the refractive index of volcanic ash from satellite infrared sounder data" which was published on "Remote Sensing of Environment".
I myself am working on SAR polarimetric decompositions but I occasionally try to read papers in other areas of remote sensing and not limit myself to just a special area.
During two years of my master studies, I felt the lack of comprehensive and organized resources for remote sensing on net and so proposed a Q&A site and tried my best to promote the idea.
Now we have fulfilled the first phase and are in definition phase. This is the phase that experts and research-level students come and commit to use the site in its early days (private launch) in order to enrich the content and prepare it for public launch in which it can be accessible through search engines.
I think your help as a reputed researcher who has publications in a journal with highest impact factor among all of the other remote sensing journals will be really valuable for the site in those 21 days of private beta.
The site that I've proposed to create will be built on the same software as stackoverflow.com if it gains enough committers at most until July 31th 2017, and as you might know stackoverflow.com is a hugely popular site where over seven million programmers help each other with difficult programming problems. On Stack Overflow the audience votes for the best answer, so the answer you want is usually right at the top, not on page five.
I'm hoping that a site for remote Sensing and photogrammetry experts, professors, scientists and students would have the same kind of network effect and turn into an amazing resource.
The proposal process is going on here:
Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Proposal's commitment phase
If you're interested in participating, go to that URL and click on the green "Commit" button.
And if you like the idea, don't forget to refer to your friend, colleagues and other researchers like you to commit to the proposal.
If you cast a glance on my google site in which I have tried to summarize all of my efforts since last year and have linked to valuable tutorials, you can get familiar with what I'm trying to do and the StackExchange network and it may help you make a better decision whether to participate or not.
King Regards,
البته جون تصمیم ندارم ایمیل ها رو به صورت bulk ارسال کنم و میخوام تا حد امکان اعتماد فرد رو جلب کنم ایمیل ها رو از طریق mail server دانشگاه تهران ارسال خواهم کرد و هر شب فقط یک ایمیل به اولین نویشنده هر مقاله که معمولا جوان و دانشجویان دکتری هستند ارسال خواهم کرد. ولی واقعا الان فرصت ندارم که برم دوباره اون مقالات رو چک کنم و affiliation افراد رو چک کنم.
فقط میخوام هرشب تعییرات جزئی تو متن بالا بدم و به یه فرد جدید ارسال کنم.
همین طور امضای شامل affiliation و اطلاعات تماس زیر ایمیل ها خواهد بود.
موضوع ایمیل ها هم خواهد بود : Stack Exchange Q&A site proposal: Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry