من یکی از کارهامو به یه ژورنالی ارسال کردم و خیلی عجیب با موضوعی برخوردم که نفهمیدم. منظورش در عنوان (موضوع) paper هست یا در keywords یا اون برگه highlights که خودش در مراحل سابمیت کردن ازم میخواست! البته تو مراحل سابمیت انلاین گفته بود write a highlights (only for review paper) در صورتی که کارم review نبود و من هم متن یک صفحه ای راجه به کرم توضیح دادم. اما امروز این ایمیل بدستم رسید!
Thank you for submitting the above paper for possible publication in our journal.
Please note that it is our policy that all paper submissions must completely comply with the three specifications of mandatory highlights below:
(1) Only include 3 to 5 highlights. Minimum number is 3, and maximum number is 5.
(2) There should be a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight. Please kindly read this guideline carefully - the guideline does not say there should be a maximum of 85 words per highlight. For example, the word "impact" consists of 6 characters; the word "significance" consists of 12 characters.
(3) Only the core results of the paper should be covered. For details with examples, see http://www.elsevier.com/highlights
Thank you for submitting the above paper for possible publication in our journal.
Please note that it is our policy that all paper submissions must completely comply with the three specifications of mandatory highlights below:
(1) Only include 3 to 5 highlights. Minimum number is 3, and maximum number is 5.
(2) There should be a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight. Please kindly read this guideline carefully - the guideline does not say there should be a maximum of 85 words per highlight. For example, the word "impact" consists of 6 characters; the word "significance" consists of 12 characters.
(3) Only the core results of the paper should be covered. For details with examples, see http://www.elsevier.com/highlights
" If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom "
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