(29-11-2016, 04:56 PM)sharif نوشته: Dr*******
I appreciate your taking the time to respond my emails. Following up apply process regarding an available Ph.D. position in your research group I contacted with Graduate Programs Manager to inquire about the availability of applying earlier and sending English and GRE results at the end of January. I've got the following reply. hence they won't consider my application in this way, what should i do ?
PhD students are only admitted with aid, so you shouldn’t worry about that. The TOEFL and GRE are an issue though, because the application is due December 15 and admissions review is completed by the end of January. Your scores may not arrive in time for consideration.
این ایمیل رو لطفا بررسی کنید
من میخام به استاد بگم که کمیته میگه مدرک زبانتون بعد JAN نمیشه بفرستی ممنون میشم بگید درسته یا نه
در واقع میخام ببینم استاددر این قضیه بنده رو حمایت میکنه یا نه ؟
I appreciate your taking the time to respond my emails. Following up apply process regarding an available Ph.D. position in your research group I contacted with Graduate Programs Manager to inquire about the availability of applying earlier and sending English and GRE results at the end of January. I've got the following reply. Hence if I apply they won't consider my application in this way, what should I do?
I enthusiastically look forward to an opportunity to elaborate my qualifications and research interests in a personal interview at your convenience with Skype.
PhD students are only admitted with aid, so you shouldn’t worry about that. The TOEFL and GRE are an issue though, because the application is due December 15 and admissions review is completed by the end of January. Your scores may not arrive in time for consideration.
I enthusiastically look forward to an opportunity to elaborate my qualifications and research interests in a personal interview at your convenience with Skype.
Your kind attention is highly appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you soon.