04-04-2017, 04:18 PM
سلام به همه من امروز ايميل وقت سفارت به دستم رسيد
Dear Sir/Madam,
You requested an appointment at the Consular Department of the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands in Tehran.
Your appointment is confirmed on:
03 July 2017 AT:
09:50 Imanian Sima H37023144
09:50 Ahmadi Amir I36663492
09:50 Ahmadi Paniz H37022906
Due to the processing time of an application (a minimum of 15 days) and the available time slots in the appointment system your applications cannot be completed in time. Please be advised to postpone your trip to a later date.
This appointment is strictly personal and cannot be changed.
You are requested to arrive at the Embassy five minutes before the time of your appointment. If you arrive much earlier, you will be asked to return later. If, on the other hand, you arrive later than your appointment time, you might be asked to make a new appointment.
Upon your arrival at the Embassy the data in your passport will be verified with the data in the Embassy’s appointment list for that particular day. If the data match, you will be admitted to the Consular Department. If not, you will not be admitted and be asked to make an appointment with data, meaning names, passport number, etc., that match the data in your passport.
For security reasons:
a. no bags and cellular phones will be allowed on the Embassy compound;
b. only applicants will be admitted to the indoor public waiting room of the Consular Department. Applicants of minor age can however be accompanied by one guardian.
If you have made an appointment for MVV, Dutch travel documents, consular statements, legalizations or any other consular business, please consult the Embassy’s website:
For passports:
For any other consular business:
Kind regards,
Consular cluster (RA)
تونستم وقت بگيرم يكم دير هست ولي امده يه سوالي داشتم و اونم اينه كه ايا بايد جوابي رو در پاسخ به اين ايميل مبني بر CONFIRM كردن اين وقت بايد بزنم يا نه؟
2- در مداركي كه ارائه مي كنم ايا علاوه بر پس انداز بايد گردش حساب ماهانه به مبلغ 15 ميليون تومان هم بايد داشته باشم يا خير؟
اگر كسي تجربه و يا راهنمايي خاصي در مورد مدارك براي گرفتن ويزا داره هم بهم بگه خوشحال ميشم
Dear Sir/Madam,
You requested an appointment at the Consular Department of the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands in Tehran.
Your appointment is confirmed on:
03 July 2017 AT:
09:50 Imanian Sima H37023144
09:50 Ahmadi Amir I36663492
09:50 Ahmadi Paniz H37022906
Due to the processing time of an application (a minimum of 15 days) and the available time slots in the appointment system your applications cannot be completed in time. Please be advised to postpone your trip to a later date.
This appointment is strictly personal and cannot be changed.
You are requested to arrive at the Embassy five minutes before the time of your appointment. If you arrive much earlier, you will be asked to return later. If, on the other hand, you arrive later than your appointment time, you might be asked to make a new appointment.
Upon your arrival at the Embassy the data in your passport will be verified with the data in the Embassy’s appointment list for that particular day. If the data match, you will be admitted to the Consular Department. If not, you will not be admitted and be asked to make an appointment with data, meaning names, passport number, etc., that match the data in your passport.
For security reasons:
a. no bags and cellular phones will be allowed on the Embassy compound;
b. only applicants will be admitted to the indoor public waiting room of the Consular Department. Applicants of minor age can however be accompanied by one guardian.
If you have made an appointment for MVV, Dutch travel documents, consular statements, legalizations or any other consular business, please consult the Embassy’s website:
For passports:
For any other consular business:
Kind regards,
Consular cluster (RA)
تونستم وقت بگيرم يكم دير هست ولي امده يه سوالي داشتم و اونم اينه كه ايا بايد جوابي رو در پاسخ به اين ايميل مبني بر CONFIRM كردن اين وقت بايد بزنم يا نه؟
2- در مداركي كه ارائه مي كنم ايا علاوه بر پس انداز بايد گردش حساب ماهانه به مبلغ 15 ميليون تومان هم بايد داشته باشم يا خير؟
اگر كسي تجربه و يا راهنمايي خاصي در مورد مدارك براي گرفتن ويزا داره هم بهم بگه خوشحال ميشم