(14-09-2017, 05:24 PM)Sa Rezaei نوشته: سلام دوستان
من مدتی دارم به اساتید مختلف در اروپا، استرالیا و کانادا ایمیل میفرستم ولی کسی جواب درست و حسابی نمی ده. به نظرم متن ایمیلی که میفرستم مشکل داره. میشه در مورد این متن ایمیلم راهنماییم کنید و مشکلاتش رو بگید؟
Dear Prof. .......
My Name is .......... and I have completed my M.Sc. in Separation Processes with the overall score of 18.44 (out of 20) at the School of Chemical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. I am considering applying to Imperial College's PhD program and I am quite interested in joining the Reaction Engineering and Catalytic Technology for Spring 2018 semester.
Fortunately, I have read your scientific profile and considered your research areas (sustainable reaction engineering and catalysis) the near to those of my interests. Just to inform you, as my M.S.c thesis I have a journal article titled "........................". Moreover, I am conducting a study on methanol oxidation in the presence of PANI/TiO2/Pd catalyst and this probably will lead to publishing a paper in the near future.
Joining the graduate program at Imperial College and working under your supervision, gives me a great chance to work and focus on practical areas in this field. If you want additional details on my works and goals, I will be happy to furnish more information such as CV.
I really appreciate your time and I am looking forward to your kind reply.
Best Regards,
به نظر من ایمیلتون رو خلاصه کنید و کمتر حاشیه برید. صریحا بپرسید آیا پوزیشن دارید یا نه و سی وی رو هم اتچ کنید. اساتید هم مثل بقیه آدما ترجیه میدن تو ۲ خط بفهمن منظور از ایمیل چیه و اگه لازم دیدن اون رزومه اتچ شده رو دانلود میکنن.