17-01-2012, 11:23 PM
(17-01-2012, 09:14 PM)Student نوشته: من در مورد سوالی که بالا پرسیدم به دانشگاه ایمیل زدم و دانشگاه به من جواب داد.سوال من
I have completed my M.Sc. outside US. Am I considered a Transfer applicant? According to your online application form that says "You have enrolled in another college/university at the graduate level, and never enrolled at U of L at the graduate level." I am considered a transfer student. But this is the first time I use this term for myself, and I thought it would be incorrect.جواب دانشگاهThank you for your e-mail. You would be considered a transfer applicant. If you have further questions, please let us know
ممنون از اینکه پاسخ دانشگاه رو اطلاع رسانی کردید.
من خودم اگر بودم همون اولی رو انتخاب می کردم ! (تاثیر آنچنانی نداره)
Transfer خیلی ناملموس هست برای دانشجویی که میخواد اپلای کنه.
موفق باشید
(بنده حقیر اینجا فعالیتی ندارم)