09-10-2017, 09:19 PM
(09-10-2017, 08:55 PM)fatima204 نوشته: دوستان نظرتون در مورد این ایمیل چیه ؟ فک کنم محترمانه گفته بیا ارشد بگیر
جواب استاده انگار یه جور تمپلیت هست کالیفرنیاست
thank you for writing and your interest.
I am both a professor with a research program (which is why you wrote me) but also for my entire department of 20 professors, I work on admission of graduate students to our programs. Therefore I will divide my answer into two parts.
As a professor doing research, I am interested in recruiting students like yourself. So thank you for writing.
As one of two Graduate Admissions Advisors for my department, I am also interested in recruiting. Admissions here and at many US universities is done through the university admissions office, not the individual professor. I encourage you to apply to our PhD program. We have two ways to enter. The most common way is to apply to our MS or MA program, enter first uni , start research for the PhD, then apply to the PhD program and continue. Students like yourself follow this path even with a prior MSc. That sounds odd but it is not, because in year 1 you are working on your PhD project, then in year 2 you continue research but take classes at second uni, then in years 3 and 4 and maybe 5 or 6 you are back at first uni just doing research and finishing your PhD. Probably the minimum time to accomplish everything is 4 years, but 5 or 6 years is common - it depends on you the student and your project and your advisor.
In summary, I encourage you to submit your application to our program so that we (Graduate Committee) may see the whole package.
از دید من تمپلیت هست باز. ببینید هر وقت دیدید نوشته اپلای کن ببینیم یعنی یه جورایی اصلا نگرفته شما چی نوشتید یا چی میخواید.
بقیش دیگه پیچاندن قضیه هست.
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دوستان گرامی لطفا سوالتون رو در مرتبط ترین انجمن و فقط یکبار بپرسید. از پاسخ دادن به سوالات خصوصی و عمومی در پیام خصوصی معذورم.
دوستان گرامی لطفا سوالتون رو در مرتبط ترین انجمن و فقط یکبار بپرسید. از پاسخ دادن به سوالات خصوصی و عمومی در پیام خصوصی معذورم.