17-12-2017, 04:15 PM
با سلام وروز بخیر
لطف می کنید و مقاله های زیر را که برای تحقیق پژوهشی مورد نیازم هست برایم ارسال کنید. پیشاپیش متشکرم
1. Subjective social inclusion: A conceptual critique for socially inclusive marketing(Journal of Business ResearchVolume 82, January 2018, Pages 330-339)
لطف می کنید و مقاله های زیر را که برای تحقیق پژوهشی مورد نیازم هست برایم ارسال کنید. پیشاپیش متشکرم
1. Subjective social inclusion: A conceptual critique for socially inclusive marketing(Journal of Business ResearchVolume 82, January 2018, Pages 330-339)
2. Let them talk! Managing primary and extended online brand communities for success(Business Horizons Volume 55, Issue 5, September–October 2012, Pages 475-483)
3. User-generated branding via social media: An examination of six running brands(Sport Management Review Volume 20, Issue 3, June 2017, Pages 273-284)
4. Interacting contributions of different departments to brand success(Journal of Business Research Volume 62, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages 297-304)
5. Board members' educational backgrounds and branding success in Taiwanese firms(Asia Pacific Management Review Volume 21, Issue 2, June 2016, Pages 111-124)
6. Point of View to Social Responsibility Understanding from Social Media (Facebook Sample)( Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 155, 6 November 2014, Pages 283-288)
7. The effects of information cues on perceived legitimacy of companies that promote corporate social responsibility initiatives on social networking sites(journal of Business Research Volume 83, February 2018, Pages 202-214)
8. Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Media as Key Source of Strategic Communication(Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 235, 24 November 2016, Pages 70-75)
9. Engaging consumers through corporate social responsibility messages on social media: An experimental study(Public Relations Review Volume 43, Issue 5, December 2017, Pages 989-997)
10. Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Moving between broadening the concept of marketing and social factors as a marketing strategy(Spanish Journal of Marketing – ESIC Volume 21, Supplement 1, July 2017, Pages 4-25)