12-01-2018, 12:38 PM
(12-01-2018, 12:14 PM)Torkan نوشته: هنوز اقدام به ویزا نکردین
گزینه سوم
ببخشید جواب این سوال چی میشه؟
I am applying for a Jointly-Awarded program
در توضیحاتش این نوشته، نفهمیدم که چی هست
Programs that are Jointly-Awarded with international collaborators (including Cotutelle) are also available to approved University of Adelaide international research students. Applicants should review the rules concerning participation in Cotutelle or other Jointly-Awarded programs as well as the relevant information sheet provided in the Research Student Handbook prior to contacting the Dean of Graduate Studies. An offer of admission to a Jointly-Awarded program will not be forwarded until all conditions are met.