Shahin Zangenehpour
Assistant Professor, Department of psychology , University of McGill, Canada
Research Areas
Behavioral Neuroscience Cognition-Language-Perception
Research Summary
Professor Zangenehpour’s primary research interest is in understanding how multiple sources of sensory information converge to represent coherent percepts of environmental stimuli. He focuses on multisensory processing by studying human and non-human animal models, both in adulthood and during development. His overarching research goal is to understand the developmental and evolutionary origins of multisensory processing in the human brain. He also studies the impact of prenatal ethanol exposure on the development of cognitive capacities in a naturalistic non-human primate model of fetal alcohol syndrome.
Assistant Professor, Department of psychology , University of McGill, Canada
Research Areas
Behavioral Neuroscience Cognition-Language-Perception
Research Summary
Professor Zangenehpour’s primary research interest is in understanding how multiple sources of sensory information converge to represent coherent percepts of environmental stimuli. He focuses on multisensory processing by studying human and non-human animal models, both in adulthood and during development. His overarching research goal is to understand the developmental and evolutionary origins of multisensory processing in the human brain. He also studies the impact of prenatal ethanol exposure on the development of cognitive capacities in a naturalistic non-human primate model of fetal alcohol syndrome.