31-10-2018, 08:09 PM
(09-07-2014, 10:44 PM)saaaaam نوشته: رشته اپلای شده: Phd in Finance - دانشگاه گریفیث- سال اپلای 2013همین دانشگاه رو اقدام کردم. همین جناب آقای پروفسور روکا که فکرکنم هندی هم هست. اسکولارشیپ نمیدن و این هم نمونه ایمیل:
مقطع تحصیلی کارشناسی - نام دانشگاه - معدل: حسابداری - علوم اقتصادی - 13.5
مقطع تحصیلی کارشناسی ارشد - نام دانشگاه - معدل: مدیریت بازرگانی گرایش مالی- ازاد تهران - 17
تعداد مقالات آی اس ای با ذکر ایمپکت آنها: 8 تا ایندکس
تعداد مقالات غیر ای اس ای خارجی: 5 عدد
تعداد مقالات علمی پزوهشی فارسی: 5 عدد
تعداد مقالات علمی ترویجی فارسی: 5 عدد
تعداد مقالات علمی فارسی: 3 عدد
تعداد کتب تالیفی: 4 عدد
تعداد مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانس های بین المللی: 2 عدد
تعداد مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانس های ملی یا داخلی: 2 عدد
نمره زبان: آیلتس 6.5 هیچ اسکیلی کمتر از 6 نبود
افر دریافتی از دانشگاه: پذیرش - بورسیه (چه نوع و به چه میزان) : پذیرش بدون فاند
من با یک پرفسور مکاتبه کردم خیلی تشویقم کرد و 2 نفر هم بهم پیشنهاد کرد که کلا سه نفری سوپروایزرم بشن نمونه ایمیل ها شون را ببینید:
Dear Saaaaam,Thank you for your interest in pursuing a PhD at Griffith University and for considering me as a potential supervisor. I find the PhD proposal that you submitted to be interesting, and I note that you have experience in publishing in international journals which is certainly very positive.I would be interested in supervising your PhD; however, it would be best if there are additional supervisors. I would like therefore to check if one of my colleagues who is an expert in risk management, Dr. ...., is able and interested to be one of the supervisors for your PhD. I am therefore sending her a copy of this email.As soon as I get a response from Dr ...., I will be in contact with you again to provide further advice.با پیگیری استاد ایمیل بعدی:
Dear Saaaaam,این ایمیل را هم یکی از سوپروایزرها بهم فرستاد:
Further to my email, I would like to inform you that Dr (vvvvvvv@griffith.edu.au) has already expressed interest in also being a supervisor for your PhD. Hence, in your PhD application, you may indicate that your proposed supervisors are the abovementioned.Please contact Professor Richard Chung (R.Chung@griffith.edu.au)- the PhD (Higher Degree Research) Convenor in Finance for advice on how to proceed with your PhD application.
Hiبا همه این مکاتبات و ایمیل ها همه به من نظر میدادن که 100% بورسی یکبار هم دیفر کردم و راند دوم بورس هم شرکت کردم ولی حقیقت اینجاست که رشته فایننس بیس خیلی قوی ریاضی و مالی میخواد و شانسی برای بورس نداشتم. من نمی دانم این رشته من در اوردی مدیریت بازرگانی گرایش مالی را چرا درست کردن من که خیلی ضرر کردم این رشته تحصیل کردم
I am very pleased to hear from you. Thanks for letting me know your progress and sending me your documents. I am very happy work with> along with Professor Roca and Dr Todorova for your PhD research to reach high.
I remember that at the beginning of this year, I, based on your research background and publications, strongly suggested to the school that you should start the confirmation year straightforward at Griffith, rather than from the qualified program year, and thus you can apply for various scholarships as my PhD students did. One of my PhD> students won three scholarships starting in 2013. As you have a
high chance to win a few scholarships, I encourage you to apply via Griffith online system.
Your research topic is quite interesting and promising. When you are in
Brisbane, please come and meet me.
All the best.
این نکته که من همیشه میگم استاد نقش زیادی در بورس شدن نداره و زیاد رو حرفش حساب نکنید این هم مدرکش
Dr Victor Wong
Program Director, Master of Finance
Griffith University
Dr Alexandr Akimov
Foundation Program Director, Master of Finance
Griffith University
Dear Victor and Alexandr
May I forward to you the attached enquiry from a prospective student in our Master of Finance Program who has interest in pursuing a PhD degree after the Master of Finance completion.
In this regard, if, in your evaluation, he qualifies for entry into the Program, is it possible to put him in a track where he will be doing an academic dissertation, right from the beginning of the Program, if it is possible. This way, he will be able to write an excellent dissertation that will prepare him for the PhD.
I will be happy to get involved in the supervision with Dr Akimov, perhaps on a topic on the "What Drives the Volatility of the Bond Markets: A Global and Sectoral Analysis". which can be refined further later. The idea is to get his started on the dissertation right at the beginning of the Program rather than later.
In the meantime, I will leave to you, Victor, to provide an official response to the student.
Thank you.
Kind regards,