References for Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Artificial Intelligence; a Modern Approach, Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Prentice-Hall,2005
Creating Expert Systems for Business and Industry, Paul Harmon & Brian Sawyer, Wiley, 1990
Artificial Intelligence, 2nd ed., E. Rich & K. Knight, McGraw-Hill,1991
Knowledge Engineering and Management, Guus Schreiber et al, The MIT Press, 2000
VP-Expert; Rule-Based Expert System Development Tool, Wordtech Systems, Inc. 1993
Creating Expert Systems for Business and Industry, Paul Harmon & Brian Sawyer, Wiley, 1990
Artificial Intelligence, 2nd ed., E. Rich & K. Knight, McGraw-Hill,1991
Knowledge Engineering and Management, Guus Schreiber et al, The MIT Press, 2000
VP-Expert; Rule-Based Expert System Development Tool, Wordtech Systems, Inc. 1993