09-03-2012, 02:49 PM
2012 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
Wroclaw, Poland, 9 - 12 September 2012
We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper
to the FedCSIS 2012 – a flagship international multi-conference of
Polish Information Processing Society (PTI), organized in cooperation
with the IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa), ACM SIGAPP;
SERSC: Science & Engineering Research Support soCiety and the
Asociacion de Tecnicos de Informatica, as well as the IEEE Computer
Society Chapter, and the IEEE Gdansk Computer Society Chapter, Poland
and the Polish Society for Business Informatics. Please also forward
the announcement to your colleagues and associates who could be
interested in it.
Proceedings will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library
(additional post-publications as determined by the individual FedCSIS
- Paper submission: April 22, 2012
- Author notification: June 17, 2012
- Final submission and registration: July 8, 2012
- Conference date: September 9-12, 2012
The FedCSIS multi-conference consists of EVENTS (conferences,
workshops, consortia, tutorials, etc.), grouped into six conference
AAIA'2012 - 7th International Symposium Advances in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications
* AIMA'2012 - International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in
Medical Applications
* ASIR'2012 - 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Semantic
Information Retrieval
* RSA'2012 - International Workshop on Rough Sets Applications
* WCO'2012 - Workshop on Computational Optimization
* WEO-DIA'2012 - 1st Workshop on Well-founded Everyday Ontologies –
Design, Implementations & Applications
CSNS - Computer Science & Network Systems
* CANA'2012 - Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
* FINANS'2012 - International Symposium on Frontiers in Network
Applications and Network Systems
* ITP'2012 - International Workshop on Information Technologies in
* MMAP'2012 - International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and
* SCoDiS'2012-LaSCoG'2012 - 3rd Workshop on Scalable Computing in
Distributed Systems & 8th Workshop on Large Scale Computations on
* WSN'2012 - International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks
ECRM - Education, Curricula & Research Methods
* CSERC'2012 - 2nd Computer Science Education Research Conference
* ISEC'2012 - Information Systems Education & Curricula Workshop
IT4MBS - Information Technology for Management, Business & Society
* ABICT'2012 - International Workshop on Advances in Business ICT
* AITM'2012 - 10th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for
* IT4D'2012 - Information Technology for Disabilities
* IT4L'2012 - Workshop on Information Technologies for Logistics
* TAMoCo'2012 - Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce
JAWS - Joint Agent-oriented Workshops in Synergy
* ABC:MI'2012 - Workshop on Agent Based Computing: from Model to
* MAS&M'2012 - International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and
* SEN-MAS'2012 - 1st International Workshop on Smart Energy Networks &
Multi-Agent Systems
SSD&A - Software Systems Development & Applications
* ATSE'2012 - 3rd International Workshop Automating Test Case Design,
Selection and Evaluation
* MDASD'2012 - 2nd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System
* WSS'2012 - 4th International Symposium on Web Services
Papers should be submitted by April 22, 2012. Accepted and presented
(!) papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library
proceedings entitled: "2012 Federated Conference on Computer Science
and Information Systems (FedCSIS)." The IEEE proceedings will be
published under nonexclusive copyright. The Events' organizers arrange
quality journals, edited volumes, etc. and will invite extended and
revised papers for post-conference publications (information can be
found at the websites of individual events).
Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by following citation
index services:
* Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index
* The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
* CiteSeerx beta - Scientific Literature Digital Library and Search
* Google Scholar
* Scirus (Elsevier)
* The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Inspec
* getCITED: Academic research, citation reports and discussion lists
Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki
Contact FedCSIS at:
secretariat@fedcsis.org <mailto:secretariat@fedcsis.org>
2012 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
Wroclaw, Poland, 9 - 12 September 2012
We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper
to the FedCSIS 2012 – a flagship international multi-conference of
Polish Information Processing Society (PTI), organized in cooperation
with the IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa), ACM SIGAPP;
SERSC: Science & Engineering Research Support soCiety and the
Asociacion de Tecnicos de Informatica, as well as the IEEE Computer
Society Chapter, and the IEEE Gdansk Computer Society Chapter, Poland
and the Polish Society for Business Informatics. Please also forward
the announcement to your colleagues and associates who could be
interested in it.
Proceedings will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library
(additional post-publications as determined by the individual FedCSIS
- Paper submission: April 22, 2012
- Author notification: June 17, 2012
- Final submission and registration: July 8, 2012
- Conference date: September 9-12, 2012
The FedCSIS multi-conference consists of EVENTS (conferences,
workshops, consortia, tutorials, etc.), grouped into six conference
AAIA'2012 - 7th International Symposium Advances in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications
* AIMA'2012 - International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in
Medical Applications
* ASIR'2012 - 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Semantic
Information Retrieval
* RSA'2012 - International Workshop on Rough Sets Applications
* WCO'2012 - Workshop on Computational Optimization
* WEO-DIA'2012 - 1st Workshop on Well-founded Everyday Ontologies –
Design, Implementations & Applications
CSNS - Computer Science & Network Systems
* CANA'2012 - Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
* FINANS'2012 - International Symposium on Frontiers in Network
Applications and Network Systems
* ITP'2012 - International Workshop on Information Technologies in
* MMAP'2012 - International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and
* SCoDiS'2012-LaSCoG'2012 - 3rd Workshop on Scalable Computing in
Distributed Systems & 8th Workshop on Large Scale Computations on
* WSN'2012 - International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks
ECRM - Education, Curricula & Research Methods
* CSERC'2012 - 2nd Computer Science Education Research Conference
* ISEC'2012 - Information Systems Education & Curricula Workshop
IT4MBS - Information Technology for Management, Business & Society
* ABICT'2012 - International Workshop on Advances in Business ICT
* AITM'2012 - 10th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for
* IT4D'2012 - Information Technology for Disabilities
* IT4L'2012 - Workshop on Information Technologies for Logistics
* TAMoCo'2012 - Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce
JAWS - Joint Agent-oriented Workshops in Synergy
* ABC:MI'2012 - Workshop on Agent Based Computing: from Model to
* MAS&M'2012 - International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and
* SEN-MAS'2012 - 1st International Workshop on Smart Energy Networks &
Multi-Agent Systems
SSD&A - Software Systems Development & Applications
* ATSE'2012 - 3rd International Workshop Automating Test Case Design,
Selection and Evaluation
* MDASD'2012 - 2nd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System
* WSS'2012 - 4th International Symposium on Web Services
Papers should be submitted by April 22, 2012. Accepted and presented
(!) papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library
proceedings entitled: "2012 Federated Conference on Computer Science
and Information Systems (FedCSIS)." The IEEE proceedings will be
published under nonexclusive copyright. The Events' organizers arrange
quality journals, edited volumes, etc. and will invite extended and
revised papers for post-conference publications (information can be
found at the websites of individual events).
Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by following citation
index services:
* Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index
* The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
* CiteSeerx beta - Scientific Literature Digital Library and Search
* Google Scholar
* Scirus (Elsevier)
* The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Inspec
* getCITED: Academic research, citation reports and discussion lists
Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki
Contact FedCSIS at:
secretariat@fedcsis.org <mailto:secretariat@fedcsis.org>
نگرانی های ما ، بیانگر عمق فاصله ما با خداست
سام ایوینگ قهرمان سابق بیسبال: "هیچ چیز شرمآورتر از این نیست که ببینید کسی کاری را انجام میدهد که شما میگفتید غیرممکن است."