16-04-2012, 02:43 PM
Alireza Seyedi
Assistant Professor (Research)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Rochester
Email alireza@ece.rochester.edu
Phone +1-585-275-2125
Office Hopeman 341
Hopeman 240, RC Box 270126, Rochester, NY 14627-0126 USA
Research Areas
Control and Decision for Networked Systems
Dynamics and Stochastics of Complex Networks
Control and Communication for Energy Networks and the Smart Grid
Decision and Control for Systems with Stochastic Sources of Energy
Distributed and Decentralized Control
Energy Harvesting for Communications
Cognitive Radios and Networks
دوستان عزیزم، از پاسخ دادن به سوالات شما در پیام خصوصی معذورم. لطف بفرمایید هر سوالی دارید، در تاپیک های مربوطه مطرح بفرمایید.