در صورت چه اندازه تفاوت در مدارک تحصیلی قبلی با phd واحد اضافی در دانشگاه میگذارند؟
منظور متن زیر دقیقا چی هستش ؟
Note: Applicants with deficiencies in their baccalaureate courses may
be admitted to the MS Program and allowed to take undergraduate courses
at Northeastern University concurrently with certain graduate courses.
Students admitted with deficiencies must remove them within the first
year of graduate study. Applicants for the PhD Program must meet all
admission requirements.
منظور متن زیر دقیقا چی هستش ؟
Note: Applicants with deficiencies in their baccalaureate courses may
be admitted to the MS Program and allowed to take undergraduate courses
at Northeastern University concurrently with certain graduate courses.
Students admitted with deficiencies must remove them within the first
year of graduate study. Applicants for the PhD Program must meet all
admission requirements.
هر گاه گرفتن تصمیم مهمی را دشوار یافتید، بدانید که علتش تنها یک چیز است و آن اینکه تصور روشنی از ارزشهای خود ندارید.آنتونی رابینز