08-05-2012, 03:31 PM
(08-05-2012, 01:20 PM)samon نوشته: ورشو ظرف یک روز به من جواب داد . پاسخ به سوال در مورد معیار ارسال مدیکال . پاسخ کوتاه و مفید بودsamon جان...خوب کاش از اول میگفتی به کدوم ایمیل ادرس ایمیل زدی....باید به اونی که با re شروع میشه ایمیل میزدی چون اون بعضی وقتا بدون اینکه بگه برو بگو وکیلت بیاد جواب میده...به هر حال ممنون از اینکه میخواستی راجع به روند صدور مدیکال ها سوال کنی
Dear Sir,
This is in response to your e-mail.
Please note this
e-mail address does not match the email address
provided in the application
forms. Therefore we are unable to
conclusively determine that this e-mail has
originated from either the
applicant or an authorized representative. If you
wish to receive our
response please use the e-mail address provided in the
application form
or change your e-mail address in accordance with the
procedures provided
If you wish to change your mailing address
(including e-mail address),
please make a signed request (the applicant's
hand-written signature
should be placed under the request; the signature must
match the sample
left in your application form) to this effect and send it to
this office
by e-mail attachment, fax or regular mail.
به همین سادگی . حالا وکیل هم که از این سوالها از طرف ما نمیپرسه