23-09-2012, 01:48 AM
(22-09-2012, 11:39 PM)mhz_ir نوشته:یه جورایی مثل ایمیل قبلی که من که در ارسال قبل گذاشتم جواب دادهبالاخره یکی جواب داد.ظاهرا به این که امیدی نیست؟نظرتون چیه:
Thanks for your interest in ....
I am copying ....., who handles
admissions for my department, Electrical Engineering and Computer
As you may know, my department considers applications for
all Electrical Engineering students as a group, so each applicant is competing
with all of the other students in Electrical Engineering. We do not have small
fiefdoms as do some other universities. Thus there is no purpose in discussing
research before or unless a student is admitted. That said, most students
admitted to my department are able to find a research home and support,
generally in the form of a fellowship or as a research assistant. We consider
applications starting in mid December for the class entering the following
I also need to remind you that admission to my department is
very competitive. We get more than ten applications for every slot in the
entering class, so please consider applying to other universities as well as .... You might consider other departments at....
احتمالا شما هم از ایشون خواسته اید که دانشجوی ایشون بشید و ایشون هم در پاسخ گفته که : تا زمانی که شما پذیرش نشوید صحبت کردن راجع به ریسرچ بی فایده هست ، یعنی اول شما پذیرفته بشو بعدش حتما پوزیشن خالی و فاند واسه شما وجود خواهد داشت.
در هرصورت شما اگرمینی مم ها ی این دانشگاه و این دپارتمان رو دارید بنظرم اپلای کن.
موفق باشی
ما فراموش شده گانیم جز نعره صدایی نیست...
ما زنده کفن شده گانیم جز دریدن راهی نیست..
ما زنده کفن شده گانیم جز دریدن راهی نیست..