03-01-2013, 10:57 PM
اینو شک دارم ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید
All recommendations must be submitted electronically via ApplyYourself, the online system. Recommendations sent to the Graduate School in any other format, including surface mail and email, will not be processed. If a person has already prepared a letter of recommendation on your behalf, please ask him or her to upload an electronic copy of the letter in the recommendation form he/she completed on your behalf.
اینو شک دارم ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید
All recommendations must be submitted electronically via ApplyYourself, the online system. Recommendations sent to the Graduate School in any other format, including surface mail and email, will not be processed. If a person has already prepared a letter of recommendation on your behalf, please ask him or her to upload an electronic copy of the letter in the recommendation form he/she completed on your behalf.
به راه بادیه رفتن به از نشستن باطل
که گـر مـراد نیابم به قـدر وسع بکـوشم
که گـر مـراد نیابم به قـدر وسع بکـوشم