Advanced additive manufacturing technologies, University Ku lueven, Belgium
[b]Description: PhD position in the field of production technologies, with main focus on process development and applications of advanced additive manufacturing production technology (3D-printing). The candidate will be demanded to conduct application oriented research activities in the framework of national and international projects, and in close cooperation with industrial partners. Main attention will be on the transfer of the research results into practical applications within an industrial field.
advanced manufacturing, additive manufacturing
Latest Application date:2013-03-03
Financing: available[/b]
Type of Position
[Source of Funding: [/b]Industrial research projects
Duration of the Project:4 years]
bResearch group
[b]Remarks: The candidate will be enrolled at the Arenberg Doctoral School, KU Leuven.
Activities will mainly locate at campus De Nayer, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, with also transfers at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Machine Design and Automation division (PMA)), located in Leuven
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[b]Description: PhD position in the field of production technologies, with main focus on process development and applications of advanced additive manufacturing production technology (3D-printing). The candidate will be demanded to conduct application oriented research activities in the framework of national and international projects, and in close cooperation with industrial partners. Main attention will be on the transfer of the research results into practical applications within an industrial field.
advanced manufacturing, additive manufacturing
Latest Application date:2013-03-03
Financing: available[/b]
Type of Position

[Source of Funding: [/b]Industrial research projects
Duration of the Project:4 years]
bResearch group
[b]Remarks: The candidate will be enrolled at the Arenberg Doctoral School, KU Leuven.
Activities will mainly locate at campus De Nayer, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, with also transfers at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Machine Design and Automation division (PMA)), located in Leuven
more info
" If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom "
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