Wildlife - Texas A&M University-Kingsville
GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP/ASSISTANTSHIP to begin the fall 2013 semester that would lead to a Master of Science from Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville Texas. Fellowship stipend is $14,000/yr plus $900 insurance stipend.
The assistantship will be broken into 2 segments and completion of the graduate fellowship/ assistantship program will take approximately 3 years. The student will be on a Welder Wildlife Foundation Fellowship while at the university and on salary while at the Welder Foundation. Housing will be provided while working at the Welder Foundation.
As an assistant in the Welder Foundation’s Conservation Education Program, the graduate student will help plan and conduct on-site and outreach education and training programs for public school and university students, and will assist the Education Program Coordinator with programs for adults and teachers. The graduate student will also assist with workshops, field days, symposia, public tours, preparation of educational materials, and maintenance of museum displays and biological collections.
Required Education: Applicants must have a B.S. or B.A. degree in a biology-related field (e.g., Wildlife Biology, Ecosystem Science, Natural Resource Management, Zoology, etc.), and minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 and combined GRE score of 1100 (300 on GRE new scale).
Mailing: To apply, please send the following materials via email attachment to Dr. Selma Glasscock, sglasscock@welderwildlife.org: (1) Cover letter explaining career goals, academic interests, and preferred sub-disciplines of study, highlighting relevant experience, (2) a resume, (3) names/addresses/email for three references, and (4) GPA and GRE scores (unofficial ok).
Apply By: 5/30/2013
Wildlife - University of Montana
Job Description: The objective of the research study is to link demographic and behavioral responses of sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus), a gallinaceous species of concern, to inform prairie ecosystem management and maintain ecological integrity. Plains sharp-tailed grouse (T. p. jamesi) occupy a large range in the central and eastern plains of Montana. However, population numbers are suggested to have contracted across the species’ range due to homogeneity in the prairie ecosystem features, a result from fire suppression and modern grazing regimes. Currently, sharp-tailed grouse occur in abundance in the Missouri Breaks region of Montana. This region is a mosaic of mixed-grassland, upland shrub communities, and coniferous forests dominated by ponderosa pine. The project will address the demographic and behavioral responses of sharp-tails to natural and prescribed fire, including reproductive success, and the intensity and plasticity of behavioral responses. In addition the project will address how fire-grazing interaction produces a mosaic of vegetative patterns across a landscape supporting sharp-tails.
Required Education: Applicant must have a BS/BA and MS in wildlife biology, biology, ecology, or a related field.
Required Experience: Experience working with birds preferred, especially in grassland and/or sagebrush systems. Experience working with multiple stakeholders and natural resource agencies is highly desired.
Salary: ~$20,000 per year and includes tuition waiver
Mailing: Interested individuals should email Dr. Victoria J. Dreitz with Victoria.Dreitz@cfc.umt.edu
1) a cover letter outlining research interests, academic and professional background 2) resume/CV, 3) copies of transcripts and GRE scores (unofficial copies acceptable at this point), and 4) names and contact information for 3 references. Only individuals who meet the minimum requirements of the Wildlife Biology Program at the University of Montana will be considered (see website for more details: http://www.cfc.umt.edu/WBIO/ ). See http://www.cfc.umt.edu/Decs/Details.php?ID=1903 for more information on Dr. Dreitz and her research interests. Applications will be reviewed as received.
Apply By: 6/12/2013
Forestry - Purdue University
Job Description: We are seeking a high-caliber, quantitatively-inclined student for an NSF-sponsored Center for Advanced Forestry Systems, M.S./Ph.D. assistantship in the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (HTIRC) in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University. This individual will focus on the biometry of genetically superior black walnut plantations under varying silvicultural intensities. Additional topic areas (e.g., production ecology, tree physiology) will be investigated and tailored to the successful candidate’s interest.
Required Education: Candidates should have a GPA of at least 3.2 and GRE scores above the 50th percentile.
Required Experience: Demonstrated experience in biometrics and/or coursework in statistics are highly desirable.
Salary: Assistantships will be awarded at $17,520 (M.S.) and $20,105 (Ph.D.) per year and funding will be guaranteed for either two (M.S.) or three (Ph.D.) years.
Apply By: 5/7/2013
Forestry - University of Missouri
Job Description: A Master-level Graduate Research Assistant position is available at the Department of Forestry, The School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri (MU). The selected candidate is expected to support ongoing research efforts to evaluate the adoption and effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the Missouri Ozarks as a result of a state-sponsored Professional Timber Harvester Training. The selected person will join a multi-disciplinary group comprised of forestry professionals in the MU Department of Forestry and Missouri’s Department of Conservation.
The Graduate Research Assistant will collaborate with her/his major professor in ongoing research efforts, interact with forest landowners, present research findings at professional conferences, and prepare manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals. The assistantship provides a competitive stipend, a full tuition waiver, and includes health insurance benefits. Funding is available for a two-year program.
Required Education: A qualified candidate should have a background in agriculture/forestry, natural resources management, rural development or closely related fields.
Mailing: Those interested in the position should outline research interests (500 words max.) and submit a curriculum vitae to:
Francisco X. Aguilar, Ph.D.
203L Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building
Department of Forestry, The School of Natural Resources
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-6304; Fax: 573-882-1977
Email: aguilarf@missouri.edu
Apply By:4/22/2013
Forestry - Mississippi State University
Job Description: A Master’s level Research Assistantship in natural resource economics is available at Mississippi State University in the Department of Forestry. The research assistant will focus his or her work on a state-wide market analysis of pine straw production in Mississippi, and the impacts of pine straw harvesting on the financial management of pine plantations.
Required Education: An undergraduate degree in forestry. Degrees in business, economics, or natural resource management with an interest in human dimensions are also acceptable. A 3.50 GPA and English proficiency are desirable.
Salary: The Master’s Assistantship includes an annual stipend of $15,000, a tuition waiver of approximately 71% of the assessed tuition and required fees, 100% waiver of out of state tuition, and health insurance coverage.
Mailing: Assistantships are available starting fall 2013 (August 16). Inquiries about this position are welcome. Note: The deadline to apply for admission for the fall semester 2013 is June 1, 2013. To apply informally, send a letter of interest, undergraduate transcripts, curriculum vitae, and a list of three references with contact information by email to:
Dr. Jason S. Gordon
Assistant Extension Professor
Box 9681
Department of Forestry
Mississippi State University, MS 39762
Email: jgordon@cfr.msstate.edu
Phone: (662) 325 8851
Apply By: 4/8/2013
GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP/ASSISTANTSHIP to begin the fall 2013 semester that would lead to a Master of Science from Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville Texas. Fellowship stipend is $14,000/yr plus $900 insurance stipend.
The assistantship will be broken into 2 segments and completion of the graduate fellowship/ assistantship program will take approximately 3 years. The student will be on a Welder Wildlife Foundation Fellowship while at the university and on salary while at the Welder Foundation. Housing will be provided while working at the Welder Foundation.
As an assistant in the Welder Foundation’s Conservation Education Program, the graduate student will help plan and conduct on-site and outreach education and training programs for public school and university students, and will assist the Education Program Coordinator with programs for adults and teachers. The graduate student will also assist with workshops, field days, symposia, public tours, preparation of educational materials, and maintenance of museum displays and biological collections.
Required Education: Applicants must have a B.S. or B.A. degree in a biology-related field (e.g., Wildlife Biology, Ecosystem Science, Natural Resource Management, Zoology, etc.), and minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 and combined GRE score of 1100 (300 on GRE new scale).
Mailing: To apply, please send the following materials via email attachment to Dr. Selma Glasscock, sglasscock@welderwildlife.org: (1) Cover letter explaining career goals, academic interests, and preferred sub-disciplines of study, highlighting relevant experience, (2) a resume, (3) names/addresses/email for three references, and (4) GPA and GRE scores (unofficial ok).
Apply By: 5/30/2013
Wildlife - University of Montana
Job Description: The objective of the research study is to link demographic and behavioral responses of sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus), a gallinaceous species of concern, to inform prairie ecosystem management and maintain ecological integrity. Plains sharp-tailed grouse (T. p. jamesi) occupy a large range in the central and eastern plains of Montana. However, population numbers are suggested to have contracted across the species’ range due to homogeneity in the prairie ecosystem features, a result from fire suppression and modern grazing regimes. Currently, sharp-tailed grouse occur in abundance in the Missouri Breaks region of Montana. This region is a mosaic of mixed-grassland, upland shrub communities, and coniferous forests dominated by ponderosa pine. The project will address the demographic and behavioral responses of sharp-tails to natural and prescribed fire, including reproductive success, and the intensity and plasticity of behavioral responses. In addition the project will address how fire-grazing interaction produces a mosaic of vegetative patterns across a landscape supporting sharp-tails.
Required Education: Applicant must have a BS/BA and MS in wildlife biology, biology, ecology, or a related field.
Required Experience: Experience working with birds preferred, especially in grassland and/or sagebrush systems. Experience working with multiple stakeholders and natural resource agencies is highly desired.
Salary: ~$20,000 per year and includes tuition waiver
Mailing: Interested individuals should email Dr. Victoria J. Dreitz with Victoria.Dreitz@cfc.umt.edu
1) a cover letter outlining research interests, academic and professional background 2) resume/CV, 3) copies of transcripts and GRE scores (unofficial copies acceptable at this point), and 4) names and contact information for 3 references. Only individuals who meet the minimum requirements of the Wildlife Biology Program at the University of Montana will be considered (see website for more details: http://www.cfc.umt.edu/WBIO/ ). See http://www.cfc.umt.edu/Decs/Details.php?ID=1903 for more information on Dr. Dreitz and her research interests. Applications will be reviewed as received.
Apply By: 6/12/2013
Forestry - Purdue University
Job Description: We are seeking a high-caliber, quantitatively-inclined student for an NSF-sponsored Center for Advanced Forestry Systems, M.S./Ph.D. assistantship in the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (HTIRC) in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University. This individual will focus on the biometry of genetically superior black walnut plantations under varying silvicultural intensities. Additional topic areas (e.g., production ecology, tree physiology) will be investigated and tailored to the successful candidate’s interest.
Required Education: Candidates should have a GPA of at least 3.2 and GRE scores above the 50th percentile.
Required Experience: Demonstrated experience in biometrics and/or coursework in statistics are highly desirable.
Salary: Assistantships will be awarded at $17,520 (M.S.) and $20,105 (Ph.D.) per year and funding will be guaranteed for either two (M.S.) or three (Ph.D.) years.
Apply By: 5/7/2013
Forestry - University of Missouri
Job Description: A Master-level Graduate Research Assistant position is available at the Department of Forestry, The School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri (MU). The selected candidate is expected to support ongoing research efforts to evaluate the adoption and effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the Missouri Ozarks as a result of a state-sponsored Professional Timber Harvester Training. The selected person will join a multi-disciplinary group comprised of forestry professionals in the MU Department of Forestry and Missouri’s Department of Conservation.
The Graduate Research Assistant will collaborate with her/his major professor in ongoing research efforts, interact with forest landowners, present research findings at professional conferences, and prepare manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals. The assistantship provides a competitive stipend, a full tuition waiver, and includes health insurance benefits. Funding is available for a two-year program.
Required Education: A qualified candidate should have a background in agriculture/forestry, natural resources management, rural development or closely related fields.
Mailing: Those interested in the position should outline research interests (500 words max.) and submit a curriculum vitae to:
Francisco X. Aguilar, Ph.D.
203L Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building
Department of Forestry, The School of Natural Resources
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-6304; Fax: 573-882-1977
Email: aguilarf@missouri.edu
Apply By:4/22/2013
Forestry - Mississippi State University
Job Description: A Master’s level Research Assistantship in natural resource economics is available at Mississippi State University in the Department of Forestry. The research assistant will focus his or her work on a state-wide market analysis of pine straw production in Mississippi, and the impacts of pine straw harvesting on the financial management of pine plantations.
Required Education: An undergraduate degree in forestry. Degrees in business, economics, or natural resource management with an interest in human dimensions are also acceptable. A 3.50 GPA and English proficiency are desirable.
Salary: The Master’s Assistantship includes an annual stipend of $15,000, a tuition waiver of approximately 71% of the assessed tuition and required fees, 100% waiver of out of state tuition, and health insurance coverage.
Mailing: Assistantships are available starting fall 2013 (August 16). Inquiries about this position are welcome. Note: The deadline to apply for admission for the fall semester 2013 is June 1, 2013. To apply informally, send a letter of interest, undergraduate transcripts, curriculum vitae, and a list of three references with contact information by email to:
Dr. Jason S. Gordon
Assistant Extension Professor
Box 9681
Department of Forestry
Mississippi State University, MS 39762
Email: jgordon@cfr.msstate.edu
Phone: (662) 325 8851
Apply By: 4/8/2013
The golden opportunity you're seeking is in Yourself. It's not in your environment, in luck, in chance, or the help of other; it is in yourself Alone
راه های دریافت رایگان مقالات و کتاب ها
اهــدای سلول بنیادی - اهـــدای عضو - محک
لطفا سوالاتتون رو در فروم بپرسید و از پیام خصوصی برای این منظور استفاده نکنید. در صورتی که مایلید من به سوال شما پاسخ بدم @Mami رو در متن سوال قرار بدید.
راه های دریافت رایگان مقالات و کتاب ها
اهــدای سلول بنیادی - اهـــدای عضو - محک
لطفا سوالاتتون رو در فروم بپرسید و از پیام خصوصی برای این منظور استفاده نکنید. در صورتی که مایلید من به سوال شما پاسخ بدم @Mami رو در متن سوال قرار بدید.