22-03-2011, 01:48 PM
تاریخ اعلام نایج این دانشگاه را تو سایتش پیدا نکردم، ایمیل زدم پرسیدم
به طور خلاصه May 2 اعلام می کنند
این هم جوابشون:
به طور خلاصه May 2 اعلام می کنند
این هم جوابشون:
Admission results will be published 2 May. The namelist of the selected students will be published on the LUT website (if applicant has given permission to that). Admission letters to the selected students will be sent on the same day. Other students will be informed by email.
Best regards,
LUT Admission Services
Best regards,
LUT Admission Services
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right. Henry Ford
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm possible". Audrey Hepburn
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm possible". Audrey Hepburn