07-05-2013, 08:57 PM
(07-05-2013, 01:10 PM)Nasim67 نوشته:به نظرتون ازین ایمیلی که داده پرینت بگیرم ببرم؟اینکه بهتون ریسرچ پلن ندادن رو حتما طی یک ایمیل بهتون اطلاع دادن، درسته؟ اگه آره که پرینت همون ایمیلشونو ببرید همراهتون. .
بهش گفتم ار.پی. بده گفت :
I cannot provide this information. Your offer is as described in your offer
letter. No "research plan" can be known specifically in advance. Rather, you
will: (1) first take required coursework; (2) find a research advisor; (3)
complete a thesis/dissertation under the supervision of that advisor. No
advisor can (nor will) be assigned in advance: that would be impossible.
Finally, to the best of my knowledge, no classified or sensitive research
projects are ongoing in the Physics Department.
I have given the above response to other Iranian applicants in the
past; in each case they have been cleared
به راه بادیه رفتن به از نشستن باطل
که گـر مـراد نیابم به قـدر وسع بکـوشم
که گـر مـراد نیابم به قـدر وسع بکـوشم