13-08-2011, 10:41 PM
من سایت ETS رو مطالعه کردم که سعی کردم نت برداری کنم از ساختار امتحان در قسمت های Verbal , Quantitative
خلاصه اون رو اینجا میزارم شاید برای مابقی دوستان مفید واقع بشه
- Reading
- Passages from one to several paragraphs. one or two of which has/have several paragraphs
- Approximately 10 paragraphs
- Half of the questions are based on passages and number of questions can range from 1 to 6
- Many, but not all, of questions are multiple choices to select a single answer
- Select multiple correct answers
- Select a sentence from the passage
- Text Completion
- passages are borne by one to five sentences
- one to three blanks
- Three choices per blank. Five choices for a single blank
- Selecting one choice for one blank does not affect what answer choices you can select for another blanks
- Sentence Equivalence
- A single sentence, one blank, six choices, two of which should be selected
- Comparison
- Multiple choices --> select one answer
- Multiple choices --> Select more answers. please note that there may be just one correct answer
- Numeric Entry
(بنده حقیر اینجا فعالیتی ندارم)