(24-05-2011, 09:57 PM)Babak نوشته: یک نکته مهم اینه که شرکتی که شما براش کار میکنید ممکنه شروع درخواست گرین کارد رو به تعویق بیاندازه. مثلا یک سال بعد از شروع کار، اقدام کنه. به همین دلیل خیلی مهمه که موقعی که دنبال کار میگردید و با شرکتها صحبت میکنید این مساله رو مدنظر داشته باشید و از قبل با شرکت هماهنگ کنید که حداکثر ظرف چند ماه بعد از شروع کار برای شما درخواست گرین کارد بکنه.
Hi babak,
I've done my internship in a famous company. They gonna give me an offer for Full time . My start date will be next summer (after my graduation).
Those steps you mentioned are still applicable for me?[because I were there for my internship](publish the job in the local newspaper, websites, and etc) It is necessary to say that based on their regulation, they will start my Green Card process after six month of my employment! [my offer contains green card
How long usually does it take in my case
I've done my internship in a famous company. They gonna give me an offer for Full time . My start date will be next summer (after my graduation).
Those steps you mentioned are still applicable for me?[because I were there for my internship](publish the job in the local newspaper, websites, and etc) It is necessary to say that based on their regulation, they will start my Green Card process after six month of my employment! [my offer contains green card
How long usually does it take in my case