15-02-2014, 08:36 PM
نقل قول:'m.poursohrab' pid='53928' dateline='1392406553'
سلام خسته نباشید . می خواستم بهترین دانشگاه المان برای دکترای مدیریت اجرایی را بدونم . لیسانسم مهندسی مدیریت اجرایی از پیام نور رشت .................. الانم دانشجوی روزانه مدیریت اجرایی دانشگاه هرمزگانم(بندر عباس) . رتبم در ارشد 181 شده...............الان اولین کاری که باید انجام بدم چیه ؟ المانی باید یاد بگیرم یا انگلیسی؟ کلا چیکار باید بکنم ؟ لطفا راهنمایی کنید.
Dear Friend
As I know there are some high educational business schools in Germany which they offer some good condition to pursue in doctoral degree in business and management. Also, The best university in Germany for management feild is University of Mannheim which 52.3% of the HR decision makers who participated in the survey consider the University of Mannheim to be the best . The University of Cologne (38.3%) and LMU Munich (36.9%), who hold the second and third places, lag behind considerably German University for Business Administration/Management. while the University of Cologne (28.8%), Goethe University Frankfurt. are coming . for after. If you have a plan to study there it's strongly needy to show your high score english language proficiency and your GMAT exam . report and your work experience too. Moreover, Most of Phd Programs are taught in english that mean you didn't need to take german language test
" If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom "
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