22-08-2011, 01:22 AM
پرفسور عزیز آموزگار - دانشگاه نورث کارولینا
Department of Soil Science
North Carolina State University
PO Box 7619
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7619
Room: 1310
Office Phone: 919.515.3967
Email aziz_amoozegar@ncsu.edu
Specialty: Environmental Soil Physics
Research interests are (i) movement of water and pollutants from municipal and industrial wastes through soils and their underlying strata and (ii) characterization of soil materials for waste disposal purposes. Research programs include assessment of soil water and pollutant movement from on-site wastewater disposal systems, evaluation of the effects of macropores on water and solute flow in soils and saprolites, evaluation of the effects of waste disposal on soil hydraulic properties, and development of techniques for determination of soil physical properties as related to waste management practices. Special attention is devoted to on-site management of household wastewater.
Department of Soil Science
North Carolina State University
PO Box 7619
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7619
Room: 1310
Office Phone: 919.515.3967
Email aziz_amoozegar@ncsu.edu
Specialty: Environmental Soil Physics
Research interests are (i) movement of water and pollutants from municipal and industrial wastes through soils and their underlying strata and (ii) characterization of soil materials for waste disposal purposes. Research programs include assessment of soil water and pollutant movement from on-site wastewater disposal systems, evaluation of the effects of macropores on water and solute flow in soils and saprolites, evaluation of the effects of waste disposal on soil hydraulic properties, and development of techniques for determination of soil physical properties as related to waste management practices. Special attention is devoted to on-site management of household wastewater.