اخرین اطلاعات از تعداد داوطلبان و پذیرفته شدگان دانشگاه واسا در سال 2014
تا جاییکه من اطلاع پیدا کردم از ایران کسی رشته مدیریت مالی پذیرفته نشد!
The intakes of the programmes are as follows:
The programmes evaluated applications which were complete (contained all the required documents) and were submitted by the deadline. Your application was complete. However, unfortunately the number of qualified applications exceeded the number of students the University of Vaasa could accept to this programme, and your merits did not succeed to place you among the students accepted this year.
The admission decisions were made by professors and lecturers in charge of the programmes, and also the administrative representatives of the programmes took part in the process. In the selection process, the following matters were taken into account in the evaluation: previous studies (their suitability to the programme in question and success in the previous studies), language proficiency, motivation for studying in the programme, and CV (work experience and other relevant merits). All of these areas were evaluated in the admission process. For more information on the selection process and evaluation of applications please visit http://www.uva.fi/en/for/prospective/criteria/.
The programme representatives wish you all the best in the future and hope that you will apply again to the programme next year if you are still interested in studying at the University of Vaasa.
On behalf of the programme,
International Office
University of Vaasa
تا جاییکه من اطلاع پیدا کردم از ایران کسی رشته مدیریت مالی پذیرفته نشد!
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for being interested in studying in the Master’s Programme in Industrial Management at the University of Vaasa, Finland. We regret to inform you that your application was not successful on this occasion and you were not selected to pursue studies in the programme this year.
All of the Master’s programmes of the University of Vaasa proved to be very popular this year. We received altogether 1146 paper applications to the Master’s programmes within the application period of 1 January – 28 February 2014.
Thank you for being interested in studying in the Master’s Programme in Industrial Management at the University of Vaasa, Finland. We regret to inform you that your application was not successful on this occasion and you were not selected to pursue studies in the programme this year.
All of the Master’s programmes of the University of Vaasa proved to be very popular this year. We received altogether 1146 paper applications to the Master’s programmes within the application period of 1 January – 28 February 2014.
Master’s Degree Programme in International Business
Master’s Degree Programme in Finance
Master’s Programme in Strategic Management
Master’s Degree Programme in Intercultural Studies in Communication and Administration
Master’s Programme in Communications and Systems Engineering
Master’s Programme in Industrial Management
The intakes of the programmes are as follows:
Master’s Degree Programme in International Business
Master’s Degree Programme in Finance
Master’s Programme in Strategic Management
Master’s Degree Programme in Intercultural Studies in Communication and Administration
Master’s Programme in Communications and Systems Engineering
Master’s Programme in Industrial Management
The programmes evaluated applications which were complete (contained all the required documents) and were submitted by the deadline. Your application was complete. However, unfortunately the number of qualified applications exceeded the number of students the University of Vaasa could accept to this programme, and your merits did not succeed to place you among the students accepted this year.
The admission decisions were made by professors and lecturers in charge of the programmes, and also the administrative representatives of the programmes took part in the process. In the selection process, the following matters were taken into account in the evaluation: previous studies (their suitability to the programme in question and success in the previous studies), language proficiency, motivation for studying in the programme, and CV (work experience and other relevant merits). All of these areas were evaluated in the admission process. For more information on the selection process and evaluation of applications please visit http://www.uva.fi/en/for/prospective/criteria/.
The programme representatives wish you all the best in the future and hope that you will apply again to the programme next year if you are still interested in studying at the University of Vaasa.
On behalf of the programme,
International Office
University of Vaasa
[b]An investment in knowledge pays the best interest
لطفا سوالات خود را در فروم مطرح نمایید حتی شما دوست عزیز! لطفا بجای ارسال پست تشکر از گزینه "اضافه کردن به امتیاز کاربر". استفاده نمایید! [/b]
لطفا سوالات خود را در فروم مطرح نمایید حتی شما دوست عزیز! لطفا بجای ارسال پست تشکر از گزینه "اضافه کردن به امتیاز کاربر". استفاده نمایید! [/b]