21-07-2014, 05:39 PM
سلام دوستان
من یک چیز دیگه هم متوجه نمی شم توی پروپوزال نوشتن، Research plan چیه؟ یعنی همون روش کاره؟
این ایمیل استاد منه:
1. Summary (do be written later)
2. Introduction
3. Methods to be used in this study
- Isolation and cultivation of microbes
- identification of microbes by 16S sequencing
- Isolation of secondary metabolites from potatoes
- metabolite profiling of potatoes
- 2D-gel based separation of proteins
- protein identification by MALDI TOF MS/MS
4. Research plan
4.1 Isolation of microbes associated with draught resistance
- Isolation of bacteria from draught resistant potato tubers (material from Lima and local breeders)
- Cultivation of potato plants under greenhouse conditions
- Inoculation of plants with isolated bacteria and draught test
- Identification of bacteria correlated with draught
4.2 Metabolome studies on draught resistant / susceptible plants
- cultivation of draught resistant and non resistant plants under greenhouse conditions
- switch from well waters to draught and collection of leaf and tuber samples on different time points
- analysis of metabolites by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS and by GC-MS
- search for markers that correlate with draught resistance
4.3 Metabolome studies on draught resistant / susceptible plants with draught associated bacteria
- cultivation of draught resistant and non resistant plants under greenhouse conditions with/without bacteria
- switch from well waters to draught and collection of leaf and tuber samples on different time points
- analysis of metabolites by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS and by GC-MS
- search for markers that correlate with draught resistance
4.4 Co segregation of draught resistance and metabolic markers
- analyse crosses of resistant and non resistant plants for metabolites
- correlation of metabolites and draught resistance
- "making biological sense out of this" (this has to be well described
4.5 Analysis of secondary metabolites in draught resistant potato plants
الان من گیج شدم. مقدمه رو نوشتم الان می خوام مواد و روشها رو بنویسم با توچه به راهنمایی استاد، Research plan همون روش کاره؟
من یک چیز دیگه هم متوجه نمی شم توی پروپوزال نوشتن، Research plan چیه؟ یعنی همون روش کاره؟
این ایمیل استاد منه:
1. Summary (do be written later)
2. Introduction
3. Methods to be used in this study
- Isolation and cultivation of microbes
- identification of microbes by 16S sequencing
- Isolation of secondary metabolites from potatoes
- metabolite profiling of potatoes
- 2D-gel based separation of proteins
- protein identification by MALDI TOF MS/MS
4. Research plan
4.1 Isolation of microbes associated with draught resistance
- Isolation of bacteria from draught resistant potato tubers (material from Lima and local breeders)
- Cultivation of potato plants under greenhouse conditions
- Inoculation of plants with isolated bacteria and draught test
- Identification of bacteria correlated with draught
4.2 Metabolome studies on draught resistant / susceptible plants
- cultivation of draught resistant and non resistant plants under greenhouse conditions
- switch from well waters to draught and collection of leaf and tuber samples on different time points
- analysis of metabolites by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS and by GC-MS
- search for markers that correlate with draught resistance
4.3 Metabolome studies on draught resistant / susceptible plants with draught associated bacteria
- cultivation of draught resistant and non resistant plants under greenhouse conditions with/without bacteria
- switch from well waters to draught and collection of leaf and tuber samples on different time points
- analysis of metabolites by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS and by GC-MS
- search for markers that correlate with draught resistance
4.4 Co segregation of draught resistance and metabolic markers
- analyse crosses of resistant and non resistant plants for metabolites
- correlation of metabolites and draught resistance
- "making biological sense out of this" (this has to be well described
4.5 Analysis of secondary metabolites in draught resistant potato plants
الان من گیج شدم. مقدمه رو نوشتم الان می خوام مواد و روشها رو بنویسم با توچه به راهنمایی استاد، Research plan همون روش کاره؟