06-08-2014, 10:36 AM
بورسهای زیر در این دانشگاه ارائه می شوند:
2015 Equity & Financial Aid Scholarships
The VTAC application process is now available until 5pm 17October, 2014, please go tohttp://vtac.edu.au/home to register and apply for an Equity & Financial Aid Scholarship. Should you require further information or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Barb Bennett, Equity & Financial Aid Scholarship Officer on 03 5327 9340 or email equityscholarships@federation.edu.au .
DON'T FORGET - VTAC is not only for new students but continuing students as well. Continuing students must apply for a FedUni Equity & Financial Aid Scholarship through VTAC's scholarship page each year of study.
Book Bursary
As we have had a sensational response to this initiative we have exhausted our supply of vouchers. More vouchers are being printed and we should have these by the end of this week. If you have any queries please contact Barb Bennett on 5327 9340 or email equityscholarships@federation.edu.au.
Commencing Semester 2, 2014 - Application form now AVAILABLE
If you are commencing your first semester of undergraduate program of study in Semester 2, 2014 please go to the application form and apply.
If you applied and were successful in Semester 1, 2014 and have not yet picked up your voucher please contact Barb Bennett on 5327 9340 or email equityscholarships@federation.edu.au.
Eligible students must be -
- An Australian or New Zealand Citizen, Permanent Australian Resident or holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa;Enrolled as a Higher Education student at a FedUni Campus;Commencing the first semester of undergraduate program of study; andAble to demonstrate financial hardship (you are required to be receiving a Centrelink benefit such as Youth Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy, Parenting payment, Disability Support payment, Newstart etc.while studying. This excludes the Family Tax Benefit Part A &/or Part B and Low Income Health Care Card).
FedUni Book Bursary Scheme Guidelines are being updated to reflect amendments for 2015.
TAFE and International students are NOT eligible.
Contact : Barb Bennett, Equity and Financial Aid Scholarship Officer
Phone: (03) 5327 9340 | Email: equityscholarships@federation.edu.au
Phone: (03) 5327 9340 | Email: equityscholarships@federation.edu.au
- Education costsRelocationDr Mary Atkinson (Indigenous students only)Indigenous Commonwealth Education CostsIndigenous Commonwealth AccommodationIndigenous Commonwealth Access
FedUni Equity & Financial Aid Scholarships and Commonwealth Scholarships Selection & Administration Guidelines are being updated to reflect amendments for 2015.
Post-graduate scholarships
TAFE scholarships
Gippsland - specific scholarships
The Gippsland campus based equity, merit and honours scholarships are currently under review.
Research scholarships
School-specific scholarships
Other scholarships
Please explore this section as it covers a wide range of scholarships.
Centrelink information
Youth Allowance - Start-up and Relocation Scholarships
Significant changes have been made over the last few years to Youth Allowance, meaning many more students are eligible for financial assistance. Contact the Centrelink information service to find out more details or go to the Human Services website
Make sure you check your eligibility!
- For Youth Allowance, parental income levels are up to $150,000. For information visit the Human Services website.
- The age of independence for Youth Allowance is 22 effective 1 January 2012.
- Student Start-up Scholarships are available for Higher Education students who receive income support through Youth Allowance, Austudy and Abstudy - two half yearly payments of $1,025 in 2014. For information visit the Human Services website.
- Please note there are proposed changes to the Student Start-up Scholarship. As part of the 2013-14 Budget the previous Government announced that the Student Start-up Scholarship would be converted into an income-contingent loan for new recipients of student payments in higher education from 1/01/2014. Legislation to implement this change is currently before Parliament but was not passed during the Spring sitting. Because of this, the Student Start-up Scholarship will be available to new students commencing higher education study in the first semester of 2014.Relocation Scholarships are available to eligible university students who have had to relocate to study and are receiving income support as dependants through Youth Allowance and Abstudy. For eligible students from regional areas, the 2014 values will be $4,145 in the first year required to live away from home to study, $2,073 in each of the second and third years and $1,036 in fourth or subsequent years of study. For eligible students from major cities, the 2014 values will now be $4,145 in the first year of living away and $1,036 in subsequent years of study. For information visit the Human Services website.
For more information contact Centrelink on 13 24 90.
If you are having difficulty in understanding or accessing Centrelink services our Student Advisory Service can provide assistance. You can contact the Service on 5327 6105 or emailstudentadviser@federation.edu.au.
[b]An investment in knowledge pays the best interest
لطفا سوالات خود را در فروم مطرح نمایید حتی شما دوست عزیز! لطفا بجای ارسال پست تشکر از گزینه "اضافه کردن به امتیاز کاربر". استفاده نمایید! [/b]
لطفا سوالات خود را در فروم مطرح نمایید حتی شما دوست عزیز! لطفا بجای ارسال پست تشکر از گزینه "اضافه کردن به امتیاز کاربر". استفاده نمایید! [/b]