شما کاندید استانی میشید.. مثلاً nova soctia شما رو کاندید می کنه! اینجا 600 امتیاز میگیرید! اما
اگر اون استان پیشنهادش رو پس بگیره یا شما قبول نکنید 600 امتیاز حذف میشه!!!
(1) Six hundred points may be assigned to a foreign national if they are named in a nomination certificate referred to in subsection 87(2) of the Regulations that is issued by the government of a province referred to in paragraph 2(d) of these Instructions and the nomination has been
(a) verified by the province; and(b) accepted by the foreign national.
(2) If the nomination certificate is revoked by the province that issued it, or if the foreign national declines the nomination, they are no longer entitled to the 600 points under subsection (1) in respect of that certificate and their the total number of points assigned to the foreign national under the Comprehensive Ranking System is to be adjusted accordingly.
" If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom "
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Dear Educated, I am not able to respond to your private Messages please ask these in Public